%%EOF This is the disclaimer text. LAGRANGE A mother of a freshman student sneaked into Arlington High School on Tuesday to watch her daughter fight with another freshman girl before the first period. Arlington High School Staff Directory Staff Directory Arlington High School | 18821 Crown Ridge Blvd., Arlington WA 98223 | Phone 360.618.6300 | Fax 360.618.6310 Mr. Teaching Staff History. Joel Mason, World History, History 101-102 joel.mason@orcutt-schools.net. */, Serving New Yorks Hudson Valley and Catskill for over 23 Years, Were the news source where other reporters get their news, Newsroom:news@midhudsonnews.comnews@statewidenews.com, 924 Homestead AvenueMaybrook, NY 12543Tel:929-607-3088, Copyright 2023 NY Newswire LLC| All rights reserved. Arlington High School, located in Arlington, Texas, is a secondary school serving grades 9-12. In addition, our safety team and administrators were as visible as possible in the hallways and common spaces. This school is above the state average in key measures of college and career readiness. The game was rescheduled to 3 p.m., four hours earlier than usual, with the intent of it ending and the stands clearing before nightfall. The communication told of the fight and indicated that school officials and the Dutchess County Sheriffs Office were investigating the matter. 5:30 PM PDF Arlington Central School District 2021-2022 Reentry Plan September 2021 Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. We have seen an increase in serious verbal and physical altercations among our students. Eastern Bankruptcy Institute, 2013. See district policies at, Best High Schools National Rankings U.S. News & World Report - April 2020, Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 97% Students who Earn College Credit through Concurrent Enrollment, 60% Student Population with a 3.5 - 4.0 Grade Point Average, 8th Percentile National Ranking among Eligible High Schools in the Country, 2008 Year Orcutt Academy High School was Founded. However, you can still allow the yearbook staff to design your ad just as weve done in the past. 1. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block Successful schools understand how to. Mr. Orcutt has served as the Executive Principal at Arlington High School from 2020 - 2022. Eric Briscoe Athletics. Say Something! Home - Arlington High - Riverside Unified School District That is what we are all about at Orcutt Academy. From high-quality academics, a wide variety of programs, extensive extracurricular activities and a vast offering of college-level courses, it's easy to see why Arlington High is a Place for Everyone. But, man, it felt good to finish the day with a win.. Hear Something? Athletics+ After the story was published, The ACSD Chief Communications and Community Engagement Officer, Melissa Erlebacher, responded on behalf of the district. Serving New Yorks Hudson Valley and Catskill for over 23 Years, Were the news source where other reporters get their news, Newsroom:news@midhudsonnews.comnews@statewidenews.com, 924 Homestead AvenueMaybrook, NY 12543Tel:929-607-3088, Copyright 2023 NY Newswire LLC| All rights reserved. Currently, this information is unavailable. Tue 8:30 AM - 3:36 PM The students and the mother involved in yesterdays incident will be held accountable for their actions under the District Code of Conduct and the law, while also reminding students that their school ID must be worn at all times, he said. Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps. Staff Directory - Orcutt Academy High School Smith's family was presented a check worth about $12,000,. Director of Secondary Operations, Grades 6-12, Administrative Assistant to Assistant Superintendent. Gregory Verch, United States History, History 107-108 gverch@orcutt-schools.net. 18 CIF Sports Across Divisions. Its good that they make sure you empty your pockets and theyre checking people like that, so something like what happened doesnt happen again., The school has made the right decisions and done a great job with security, he said. Additionally, depending on the circumstances, students who record altercations may also face consequences. Smiths family was presented a check worth about$12,000, money donated to a collection held by Adams Fairacre Farms. Practice limited to consumer and business debtor bankruptcy law since 1997. Even high-performing schools can have disparities between student groups. Welcome to our new Executive Principal at Arlington High School, Mr. John Orcutt! Arlington High School 2022-2023 in full swing Recognizing the vital role our counselors play in the academic, social/emotional success of our students to help them DREAM BIG! @JohnOrcutt_2 Theyre a passing team, more so than the other teams weve played, and we needed extra people back there, Griffin, a tailbacksaid of playing in the secondary. It was a tough night, it was hard to cope with, Price said. Thu 8:30 AM - 3:05 PM Today was wild, with all the security and everything going on, said Lynch, a junior. Arlington school district responds to recent violence Say Something! Mr. Orcutt studied at SUNY Cortland where he earned a dual BA in Anthropology and Secondary Social Studies Education with a minor in History and Master's Degree in Social Studies Education with a minor in History. Go to www.yearbookordercenter.com.2. Learn about the, Students who are unprepared for college-level work may find themselves in. Dr. Contes taught in NYC schools for more than 12 years. Mr. John Orcutt: (845) 486-4460 ext. Athletics+ When you see Daeon lower his shoulder and do that, theres no way you dont get excited., The offensive line of Isaiah Weathers, Andrew Valeri, Jake Pascocello, Jonathan Kerr and Cubberly dominated in the second half, enabling Arlington to control the tempo with its run game. See district policies at, Best High Schools National Rankings U.S. News & World Report - April 2020, Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 97% Students who Earn College Credit through Concurrent Enrollment, 60% Student Population with a 3.5 - 4.0 Grade Point Average, 8th Percentile National Ranking among Eligible High Schools in the Country, 2008 Year Orcutt Academy High School was Founded. Jenna Demmons named January's Patriot Bank Student of the Month, AHS snags Best in Show, 100+ awards in art contest, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). His first touchdown, a tackle-breaking 8-yard plungeup the middle, tied it at 14 with 4:21 remainingbefore halftime. The day felt awkward with everything being so different, Cubberly said, but I was glad to see all those people in the stands. Jill Burnett Paraprofessionals, Special Education. Prior to coming to Arlington, Mr. Orcutt was a House Principal for two years and an Assistant Principal for seven years at White Plains High School. Including Frontline approvals. He will replace Mr. John Orcutt who will be moving to the Arlington Central Office to serve as the Director of Wed 8:30 AM - 3:05 PM Popular Links The Arlington Central School District mission is to empower all students to be self-directed, lifelong learners, who willingly contribute to their community, and lead passionate, purposeful lives. 696 0 obj <> endobj (805) 938-8550 (805) 938-8599 rcarter@orcutt-schools.net, The Orcutt Union School District does not discriminate against individuals based on actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, veteran status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, or sexual orientation. I think the ceremony was the biggest thing for most people, and then we got to have fun watching the game with friends. Site built by Systemagic. hbbd```b``n3$XLE ID$Ai@5&F&wP / Orcutt Academy High School We would love to have you consider the Academy; for the application and a list of information events for prospective families, please clickhere. (805) 938-8550 (805) 938-8599 rcarter@orcutt-schools.net, The Orcutt Union School District does not discriminate against individuals based on actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, veteran status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, or sexual orientation. Mr. Orcutt has served as the Executive Principal at Arlington High School from 2020 - 2022. "Welcome to the wonderful world of HotDocs": HotDocs Demonstration". Mr. Orcutt has served as the Executive Principal at Arlington High School from 2020 - 2022. Daeon Lynch ran for two touchdowns, the second a 14-yard burst in the third quarter in which the running back steamrolled a defender to reach the end zone and create the margin. Home - Arlington High School LAGRANGE - A violent assault on a student at Arlington High School on Wednesday has drawn a response from Arlington Central School District officials. As part of the new security policy, students needed to present ID, bags were searched, and each person was scanned with a metal detector wand,which created a long line of spectators waiting to make the quarter-mile walk from the parking lot to the field. I want to recognize all of the hard work that was put in by every single person within the OAHS family to help our students to be their very best. Arlington Community Schools / Homepage See Something? Quraan Smith was stabbed during a fight minutes after the Admirals beat Scarsdale last month. Hold yourself to a high standard and dont be afraid to be different. District+, Mon 8:30 AM - 3:36 PM 20233. AHS is a premiere high school in Shelby County, Tennessee with endless opportunities for students to reach their fullest potential. hb```B cbFAeK Everything thats happened over the past few weeks has felt crazy. Fri 8:30 AM - 3:36 PM, Monday Friday, 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Ericka Burey Athletics, Social Studies. 2008 Year Orcutt Academy High School was Founded. According to Moyer, The clothing and size of the parent allowed her to enter the building amidst the large group of students that were entering the building. The superintendent went further, saying While our security team does an exceptional job of supervising our points of entry during arrival, the parent was able to blend in with the students. To further blend in, the mother can be seen wearing a backpack. Please encourage them to report any potential conflicts before they escalate to an altercation. Its your choice! Update me when new information is published on this school's profile. Coordinates curriculum review process, and implementation of new standards at the secondary level. The stands were full and there was a palpable and audible excitement from a group eager to heal and move forward. Ashley Burgiss Athletics, Career and Technology. "Managing Your Law Office: Panel Speaker". 650 Total High School Students. The Tigers (3-2) retook the leadtwo minutes later when Biondi hit Logan Anthony for a 10-yard touchdown. Arlington takes the safety and security of our students seriously. The current principal is Stacie Humbles, the mascot is the Colt and the school's colors are kelly green and white. in Education Administration from CUNY, The City College of NY, and a D.P.S. To all Spartans, remember that you only get one chance at life and the decisions you make will determine what you make of the opportunities that you have. in Occupational Education from CUNY, NYC College of Technology, and M.S. Dr. Moyer explained in a letter on Wednesday that the students mother accompanied her into school without being questioned by school security. Also, more great news! Approving professional learning and curriculum development/planning grades 6-12.

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