~Noontime activities program sponsored by ASB leadership. Out-of-Bounds Students must remain in the designated supervised areas of the school campus. Students who violate the closed campus policy during open periods, park in closed lots, and/or dont carry proper AVHS ID may lose the open period privilege. All officers are chosen by a combination of general election, teacher recommendations, and an interview process, held in April or May of each school year. Library computers may not be used to play computer games. must be able to arrive within a reasonable period of time. OVERALL 8-3 0.73 Win % LEAGUE 4-1 2ndMojave River. (Education Code 45106, 45347, 45349, 49406). Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 345-9021 Phone (505) 761-8429 Fax . 2425 Jefferson Street, Napa, California 94558 . (48900c), (5) Assault or battery, as defined in Sections 240 and 242 of the Penal Code, upon and school employee. Using deceitful practices to improve ones grade or someone elses grade. pictures will be taken in the Front Office. Moving? Remember to return all items and keep your fee record clean. 2. (3)There was no reasonable cause for the student to be in possession of the firearm. The delivery of flowers, gifts, balloons, birthday messages, etc. Examples that are not emergencies are as follows: Do not ride the bus home and Doctors appointment has been cancelled.. Ed. The meeting will include provision of timely information about the program and will outline the process for communicating with parents through the year. 2022-23 Kaalandarka Sannad Dugsiyeedka. Lack of transportation is NOT considered a valid reason to reschedule or fail to attend. Students report to A-6 immediately after school and stay for 45 minutes. Bell Schedule Review - CUSD The complainant shall have the opportunity to provide relevant information and/or documents during the investigation. - Seniors who are suspended due to violations of student behavioral expectations may forfeit their privilege of participating in the graduation ceremonies with their class. Apple Valley High School will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. The Varsity Squad consists of two different squads: cheerleaders who cheer for the team at school activities and the song leaders who do dance routines. Due to the competitive nature of the academic process, students who gain an unfair advantage over other students inhibit the school staff in providing an equitable and appropriate educational opportunity to all students. The school will, with the assistance of its district, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraphs. Dougherty Valley High School. * The school district will work with its schools to ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies meet the federal requirements and each include, as a component, a school-parent compact. Lending or giving this card to others is strictly prohibited. Academic DecathlonKey Club, Air Force Junior ROTCNational Honors Society, AutomotivePeer Helpers, ASB- Associated Student BodyPep Squad, A.V.I.D. Students are expected to miss only the necessary class periods for scheduled medical appointments. Types of consequences may include (but are not limited to); detention, class suspension, Saturday school, In-school suspension, suspension or expulsion. Counseling. 2023-24 District Calendar. Matrix of Behavioral Expectations in Campus Locations, Safe - Proud - Accountable - Respectful - Kin, Use school supplies and equipment as they are intended, Know emergency procedures and evacuation route, Step out of the way of others when on devices or having conversations, Keep your personal belongings guarded and with you, Be aware of who you are communicating and sharing information with, Be an attentive driver by keeping cell phones away, keeping music volume low, and focus attention on driving, Encourage those driving to be attentive and safe, Be an active participant in the learning process, Produce and turn in work that represents your own best thoughts, ideas, and efforts, Interactions should be appropriate to a professional environment, Care for and use technology as intended (i.e. If you have any questions regarding any of the clubs or activities listed below, stop by the Activities Office before school, during lunch or after school in A-3 for additional information. 2023-24 Kaalandarka Sannad Dugsiyeedka. Bell Schedule 2022-2023 - Victor Valley High School 3541 - Transportation Routes and Services), 2558.2 Use of revenue limits to determine average daily attendance of homeless children, 39807.5 Payment of transportation costs by parents, 11431-11435 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program, Non-Regulatory Guidance, July 2004, http:ligamutonline.net/displayPolicyl:68050 12, California Department of Education, Homeless Children and Youth Education: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/hsscy, National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE: http://www.serve.org/nche, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty: http://www.nlchp.org, U.S. Department of Education: http://www.ed.gov/programs/homeless/index.html, Policy APPLE VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, Adopted: January 17, 2006 Apple Valley, California, http:ligamutonline.net/displayPolicyl368050), Student Name: _____________________________________Date: _______________, Current Class: _____________________________, Teacher: __________________________________, Reason/Concern: __________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________, Student signatureParent signature. . AVHS encourages all students to maintain their status as students in good standing. 49423) requires that we must have written permission from both the parent and the physician before a student may take medication at school. Teacher Comments: (Please provide a printout of students current progress.). A student MUST have an ASB sticker to be eligible. 2. Calendars & Bell Schedules - Clayton Valley Charter High School The student will suffer no adverse effect from the dropped course or the added course as long as all make-up work is completed in the new course. Candidates for valedictorian and salutatorian must have completed six Advanced Placement courses. Code: 48900.3. Let us help you DISCOVER YOUR FUTURE. Bell Schedules - Vista del Lago High School * Appropriate roles for community organizations will be developed by every school and may include: Adopt-a-school, supporting academic excellence through awards and other recognition, supplying the school with needed materials, equipment, career information and role modeling. OUR Sundevil Familyis expected to support the spirit of academic integrity with students, parents, counselors, teachers and other staff members anywhere on campus. d. Tampering with or changing attendance rosters. Pep Squad The Varsity Squad consists of two different squads: cheerleaders who cheer for the team at school activities and the song leaders who do dance routines. Eastlake Chula Vista. Parentsmust be able to arrive within a reasonable period of time. 1719 E. Madison . A.V.I.DAdvancement Via Individual Determination These students promote college awareness on campus, learn more about career options, and foster a spirit of excellence. Demon Delicacies This club assists students in becoming more aware of gourmet food preparation and etiquette. Students must be eligible (9 or fewer Demerits and all other criteria) on the day of their athletic event (including league or non-league games) in order to participate. Students must be considered to be students in good standing in order to compete in athletic contests. Students with open periods cannot remain on campus during their designated open period. Month Day List. Produce effectively as an individual and in collaboration with various groups. As a student at Apple Valley High, you are expected to know and follow the expectations and regulations of the school. We cannot accept any check made out to cash. The class consists of a group of students who work very hard in order to produce a quality yearbook. We cannot accept any check made out to cash. For the college-bound student, information is available on computer and in printed form for colleges, scholarship research programs and study programs for the ACT/SAT tests. The UCP may be used for such a complaint. E. The school district will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school- and parent-programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand: The Apple Valley Unified School District has primary responsibility for ensuring that the District complies with State and Federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. Seneca Valley Intermediate High School; Bell Schedules; About Us. ASB Offices:Class Offices:Appointed ASB Officers: *PresidentPresidentCommissioners of: Vice PresidentVice President Technology (3), SecretarySecretary Audio (3), TreasurerTreasurerRenaissance (2), CommunicationsSenators (2)Student Store (2), HistorianPep and Assembly (2) Public Relations (2), *Representative to the School Board of Apple Valley Unified School District, School Leadership Team of Apple Valley High School and the Parent / Teacher Organization of Apple Valley High School. Please notify the REGISTRAR if you do not wish such information released regarding you. If you are dissatisfied with the administrators response, you may request a meeting with the Principal. Such actions may be described as, but are not limited to, the following: 1. on a 4.0 scale from the LAST grade period with a minimum of four classes passed. If clothing is sheer, backless, off the shoulder, strapless, cropped, low cut, or with large arm holes, a tank top that is at a length that can be tucked in will be worn underneath, The width of the strap or sleeve will be as, wide or wider than the straps of undergarment, Clothing, accessories, and visible tattoos are, free from messages about: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, profanity, graffiti, nudity, hate, violence, intimidation, and occult, Undergarments should be completely covered, Legs will be covered at a length that is able to provide, adequate coverage of buttocks and undergarments, Weather protective items (sunglasses, hats, and knit caps) will be, *These School Attire Expectations apply to, school events, including, but not limited to, athletic events and dances, Standard Operating Procedures for Violations of the Student Dress Expectations. Membership in the National Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a student by the faculty council based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. National Honor Society (NHS) - Membership in the National Honor society is an honor bestowed upon a student by the faculty council based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership and service. (B) Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health. About Us / Bell Schedules - Seneca Valley School District The organization that sponsors all student clubs/groups and activities on our campus. Your counselor will participate in the meeting, if you wish. The valedictorian(s) are those in that category who have all A's in their academic courses, grades 9-12, and any student who earns a weighted GPA that is higher than the lowest GPA which satisfies the foregoing requirements. It is your responsibility to contact the school and find out exact times and dates! Calendar - Apple Valley High School - District 196 For the purpose of this chapter, the conduct described in Section 212.5 must be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individuals academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. Attendance is mandatory. If you come in to A-3 during class time, you MUST have a valid pass from the teacher. We foster well-rounded, lifelong learners who will contribute meaningfully to a dynamic, global society. See page 48 for a map of the designated lunch-time boundaries. Most complaints are the result of a misunderstanding and can usually be resolved with a private meeting to discuss the problem. The expectation is for increasingly mature and responsible behavior. They are a highly successful competitive group. Based on the evaluation data, the district shall revise its strategies as needed to better support the education of homeless students. (see Demerit Policy on pg, 4. It is very important to understand that the students who are elected to office must communicate the standards and values that our school promotes. You are Entitled to Due Process Fair Hearing Before Discipline. AVHS Parking Permits should be displayed in the front window area of the vehicle. Apple Valley High School (AVHS) is a public four-year high school located in Apple Valley, California, United States.It is a part of the Apple Valley Unified School District.Built in 1967, it was the only comprehensive high school in the Town of Apple Valley until 1999 when Granite Hills High School opened. Both current and new teacher must be contacted prior to any decision to approve/deny this request. District Calendar arrow. HOME 4-1 AWAY 4-2 NEUTRAL 0-0. (w) It is the intent of the Legislature that alternatives to suspension or expulsion be imposed against a pupil who is truant, tardy, or otherwise absent from school activities. The Uniform complaint Procedures shall also be used when addressing complaints alleging failure to comply with state and/or federal laws in: O Adult Education 0. 860-232-4561. 6. ~Pep rallies and school assemblies. Chromebooks are checked in an. Neighborhood. 1. Coordination of parent involvement activities at the site are done by a district approved parent volunteer, an employee, a staff committee, the leadership team, and/or the SSC. Regardless of a students age, the Attendance Office has the right to verify the reason(s) or destination(s) requiring an off-grounds pass. Procedures for Picking Up Your Student Early (Off-Grounds Pass). Students are expected to be an active participant in the educational process and hold themselves and their peers accountable. Overt Display of Affection- Students at Apple Valley High School are expected to demonstrate appropriate physical interactions and restraint with regards to showing affection. Saturday School: Saturday school dates and sign up sheet is located outside of A-6. The Board of Trustees desires to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other students within the district. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. No checks for purchases will be accepted after May 1 of the current school year. The tardy infractions will result in appropriate discipline consequences: e.g. Non-students are not allowed to visit during club meetings, even after school. Verification of parent/guardian signatures on off-grounds pass requests cannot be done without an emergency card on file; therefore, if an emergency card is not on file, an off grounds pass will not be issued. This includes refraining from rowdy behavior, making rude or derogatory remarks, or otherwise interfering with the rights of others. Academic Shield/Chevron/Eagle - Grades 9-12 students may be awarded an academic shield or chevron each semester by attaining the following standards: Shield: Earn a 3.5 academic GPA with a minimum of four academic classes, no citizenship grade less than a C (these are awarded the first semester in which one qualifies and submits an application at the tables at lunch) and an ASB sticker. There is also an App for the rSchoolToday scheduler. This means that students are not permitted to be in unauthorized areas or to leave campus from the time they arrive on campus until they complete their last scheduled class. Section 35291 of the California Education Code requires that written communication is provided to continuing students at the beginning of each school year and transfer students at the time of their enrollment of all attendance and related policies and procedures. Under certain circumstances, a student who turns 18 years of age gains certain rights to access his/her school records. Verification of parent/guardian signatures on off-grounds pass requests cannot be done without an emergency card on file; therefore, if an emergency card is not on file, an off grounds pass will not be issued. A student enrolled in a public school shall not be required to pay a fee for his/her participation in an educational activity that constitutes an integral fundamental part of the District's educational program, including curricular and extracurricular activities.
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