Alternate Translations: spy (when written in the piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: spy, view, backbite, espy, slander Strong's Hebrew #: h.7270, h.8637, ( fem., / re-gel ) Translation: FOOT Definition: The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Relationship to Parent: The perscribed path of the sun, ( common, / z.r.hh ) Translation: COME.UP (V) Definition: To rise up, as the sun does at the horizon. (PDF) Online Digest 90-2-20121219 Kabbalah - DOKUMEN.TIPS Alternate Translations: look; watch; appear (when written in the niphil [passive] form); show (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: see, look, behold, shew, appear, consider, seer, spy, respect, perceive, provide, regard, enjoy, lo, foresee, heed Strong's Hebrew #: h.7200, h.7202, h.7207, h.7212, ( masc., / mar-e ) Translation: APPEARANCE Definition: What is seen or is in sight. Alt + 1461. Place where the head is laid. ( common, ) Translation: WHINE (V) Definition: [To be verified] The senseless flowing of words. HAW suggests that the more ancient form of this letter looked like an X, a shape which lends itself easily as a general mark. This person was the representative for the whole tribe, one abundant in authority and wisdom. KJV Translations: hail Strong's Hebrew #: h.1259, ( masc., / ba-rod ) Translation: SPOTTED Definition: An animal with white spots which appear as hailstones. Ani lo mitgaresh (Ah-nee Low Meet-gah-resh): I'm not asking 39. KJV Translations: slayer, murderer, kill, murder, slain, manslayer, killing, death Strong's Hebrew #: h.7523, ( masc., ) Translation: WOUND Definition: [To be verified] A deadly wound. KJV Translations: feed, shepherd, pastor, herdman, keep, companion, broken, company, devour, eat, entreat Strong's Hebrew #: h.7462, ( masc., ) Translation: FRIEND KJV Translations: friend Strong's Hebrew #: h.7463, ( fem., ) Translation: PURSUING Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of hunting for good pastures. ( fem., / re-shet ) Translation: NETTING Definition: A sheet of meshed fabric, cord or metal. The Ancient picture for this letter is , a picture of the two front teeth. Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years by Raphael Patai RAPHAEL PATAI W WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS Detroit Copyright 1979 by Raphael Patai. KJV Translations: neighbor, another, mate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7468, ( fem., ) Translation: PASTURE KJV Translations: pasture, flock Strong's Hebrew #: h.4830, ( masc., / mey-rey-a ) Translation: PARTNER Definition: One that shares. ( common, / r.ah.h ) Translation: FEED (V) Definition: To give food to; to provide feed or pasture to the flock. A woven rug as something tread upon. KJV Translations: throw, break, overthrow, destroy, pull, ruin, beat, pluck, destroyer Strong's Hebrew #: h.2040, ( masc., ) Translation: RUIN Definition: [To be verified] A city that has been broken down into pieces. After 900 B.C. Zayin Hebrew Meaning - 7th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet The Zayin is shaped like a sword and is the symbol of spirit, sustenance, and struggle. The 6th letter Wav/Vav represents the consonant [w] in original Hebrew, and [v] in modern Hebrew; if . KJV Translations: couchingplace, lie down Strong's Hebrew #: h.4769, ( ) Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( masc., ) Translation: FATTED Definition: [To be verified] Livestock that is penned or tied up to fatten it for a feast or sacrifice. KJV Translations: beam, shuttle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0708, ( masc., ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. ( ) Definition: A heavy flowing of water. ( masc., / raq ) Translation: THIN Definition: Not dense in distribution; not well-fleshed. ( common, / r.ts.h ) Translation: ACCEPT (V) Definition: To receive from the messenger what is given as a message. Relationship to Root: The tenderness of the loins. KJV Translations: peeled, furbished, bright Strong's Hebrew #: h.4178, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a trough, ( masc., ) Translation: RAFTER KJV Translations: rafter Strong's Hebrew #: h.7351. KJV Translations: lord, prince Strong's Aramaic #: a.7261. KJV Translations: get, gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.7408, ( masc., ) Translation: HORSE Definition: [To be verified] As a collection of beasts. This can be sea creatures (Gen 1:20) or land creatures (Gen 7:21) Relationship to Parent: Related through the idea of many small individual parts forming one large formation. Is this 3? Poor 2. evil 3. head In this article: Story Design Gematria Meaning Video Story ( common, ) Translation: SPIT (V) KJV Translations: spit Strong's Hebrew #: h.7556, ( masc., / ra-qiq ) Translation: THIN.BREAD Definition: Dough that has been spread thin before baked. The Letter Resh - Hebrew for Christians From the Late Semitic script is derived the Modern Hebrew . Relationship to Parent: dashed into pieces, ( common, / r.ts.hh ) Translation: MURDER (V) Definition: A killing committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation. ( ) Definition: The responsibility of the master is to strive for survival and protection of the house. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: SHAKE.IN.FEAR (V) KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7460, ( masc., / ra-ad ) ( fem., / re-a-dah ) Translation: SHAKING.IN.FEAR Definition: Being physically effected by shivering or shaking from a dreadful event. Edenics: razor KJV Translations: famish, lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7329, ( masc., ) Translation: LEAN KJV Translations: lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7330, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS KJV Translations: leanness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7334, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS Definition: [To be verified] Something made thin. Bereshit and the depth of meaning in the first word of Bible on the northern Syrian coast. From this word comes the idea of breath as it is the wind of man which also follows a prescribed path of inhaling and exhaling. Hebrew numerals - Wikipedia Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh - The Living Word KJV Translations: battle, war Strong's Hebrew #: h.7128 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7129, ( masc., / qe-rev ) Translation: INSIDE Definition: In the sense of being close or in the interior of. Even in exile, the Jews maintained these symbols of . ( common, / ts.r.ah ) Translation: INFECT (V) Definition: To taint or contaminate with something that affects quality, character, or condition unfavorably. The Word Bereshit () in Hebrew letters is: Tav, Yud, Shin, Alef, Resh, Beit (Hebrew is read right to left.) Continuously. KJV Translations: root Strong's Hebrew #: h.8327, ( masc., ) Translation: ROOT Definition: The underground part of a plant. KJV Translations: flute Strong's Aramaic #: a.4953, ( masc., ) Translation: STATIONED Definition: [To be verified] (A word of uncertain meaning) KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. ( common, / r.k.k ) Translation: BE.SOFT (V) Definition: To be soft. KJV Translations: temper Strong's Hebrew #: h.7450, ( masc., ) Translation: PIECE Definition: [To be verified] Something broken into pieces. ( common, / r.ah.ah ) Translation: BE.DYSFUNCTIONAL (V) Definition: Impaired or abnormal filling of purpose; to act wrongly by injuring or doing an evil action. ( ) Action: Crush, Run, Dry, Shatter, Murder, Fit, Swarm Object: Potsherd, Land, Course, Clay, Wound Abstract: Desire, Violence Definition: Broken pieces of pottery were commonly used as writing tablets as they were inexpensive and durable. ( ) Definition: An abundance of number, strength or authority. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( masc., ) Translation: CITADEL Definition: A large palace or fortress usually constructed in a high place. ( ) Definition: One shows a cursing by spitting. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: humble, submit Strong's Hebrew #: h.7511, h.7515 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7512, ( masc., ) Translation: MUD Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: mire Strong's Hebrew #: h.7516, ( masc., ) Translation: MUD Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: foul Strong's Hebrew #: h.4833. The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet | AHRC ( ) Definition: Messengers ran messages written on potsherds. ( ) Action: Trample, Weave, Shake, Murmer, Quake, Roar Object: Rug, Thunder, Crowd, Bed, Foot Abstract: Thought, Fury Definition: The treading underfoot of something. KJV Translations: enlarge, wide, large, room Strong's Hebrew #: h.7337, ( common, / ra-hhav ) Translation: WIDE Definition: Having great extent or breadth. Combined these mean "man covered". Points and punctuation. KJV Translations: out, empty, draw, arm, pour Strong's Hebrew #: h.7324, ( masc., ) Translation: SPIT Definition: [To be verified] As drawn out of the mouth. The Hebrew root word H7218 are these three letters, and it means "to shake the head". Something that does not function within its intended purpose. The top, beginning or first of something. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a foot. The pronunciation of Resh in Hebrew is "fricative," and a plosive pronunciation for Resh is not known. Alt + 1460. Possible solutions to this problem: Adding the word for "thousands". Combined these mean "man open". KJV Translations: pomegranate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7416, ( common, / r.m.m ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: exalt, lift, up Strong's Hebrew #: h.7426, h.7318, ( fem., ) Translation: LIFT KJV Translations: high Strong's Hebrew #: h.7319, ( fem., ) Translation: LIFTING KJV Translations: lifting Strong's Hebrew #: h.7427, ( masc., ) Translation: PALACE Definition: A large house. Shin (Sin) - The twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet The very first letter beit - is a picture of a house in the Hebrew picture language. Yud-tav could form yath (whom, Strong's 3487). The root numbers of are ZDivision of ZHoly Flock (100) The rabbis picture Resh as ZLeader [. ( taw) means mark, and its verb ( tawa ), scribble, limit, is probably derived from the noun. Also, the top millstone as a wheel that rides on top of the lower millstone. KJV Translations: pavement Strong's Hebrew #: h.7531, ( fem., ) Translation: PAVEMENT Definition: [To be verified] A road of stones. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: creeping, moving Strong's Hebrew #: h.7431, ( masc., ) Translation: TRAMPLED Definition: [To be verified] A place that is tread upon. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: deceit, false, guile, feign, subtlety, treachery Strong's Hebrew #: h.4820, ( fem., ) Translation: DECEIT Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: deceit, deceitful, privily Strong's Hebrew #: h.8649, ( masc., / ri-mon ) Translation: POMEGRANATE Definition: A sweet deep red fruit prolific with seeds. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: QUIVER (V) Definition: [To be verified] To shake uncontrollably. KJV Translations: bolster, pillow, head Strong's Hebrew #: h.4763, ( masc., ) Translation: FIRST Definition: [To be verified] The head of a time or position. Hebrew alphabet | writing system | Britannica KJV Translations: length, long, ever, high Strong's Hebrew #: h.0753. In Psalm 38:11 this word is used for the beating of the heart in the sense of going about to and fro. A space in between. ( common, / a.r.g ) Translation: BRAID (V) Definition: To twist, entwine or weave several pieces together in parallel to become one. The Modern Hebrew name for this letter is resh, a Hebrew word meaning "head." Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek agree that the sound for this letter is an "r." 02: Psalm 120 - Going down, to go up. KJV Translations: strife, provocation Strong's Hebrew #: h.4808. PDF Ancient Hebrew alphabet - Bayit haMashiyach KJV Translations: fourth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7256, ( masc., ) Translation: FOURTH.PART Definition: As fourth in the order. Relationship to Root: From instructions that are written on potsherds. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: cypress Strong's Hebrew #: h.8645, ( masc., ) Translation: CEDAR Definition: A coniferous tree from the cyprus family having wide, spreading branches. ( common, ) Translation: ROOT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To take root in soil. In Hebrew, it literally means 'life', 'alive' or 'living' and it symbolizes the value of it. 05: The mountains of Jerusalem. Aramaic and Hebrew letters reveal hidden meaning in the Bible KJV Translations: rest, divide, suddenly, break, ease, moment Strong's Hebrew #: h.7280, ( masc., / re-ga ) Translation: MOMENT Definition: A single point in time. To complain in a low tone, usually in private. Edenics: reek KJV Translations: smell, touch, understanding, accept, refresh, large Strong's Hebrew #: h.7304, h.7306, ( fem., / ru-ahh ) Translation: WIND Definition: A natural movement of air; breath. KJV Translations: down, thin, steep Strong's Hebrew #: h.4174, ( masc., ) Translation: DESCENDER Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( ) Relationship to Parent: as coming down, ( common, ) Translation: HAIL (V) KJV Translations: hail Strong's Hebrew #: h.1258, ( masc., / ba-rad ) Translation: HAILSTONES Definition: A precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or balls of ice. KJV Translations: secret Strong's Aramaic #: a.7328, ( fem., ) Translation: CYPRESS Definition: [To be verified] A tree similar to a cedar. And, the book introduces the Inner Guidance Number, a powerful tool for accessing our inner knowing. However, in ancient Hebrew, as in Chinese and ancient Egyptian, the characters are pictures . Copy the selected hebrew symbols by clicking the editor green copy button or CTRL+C. ( common, / r.w.r ) Translation: FLOW.OUT (V) KJV Translations: run Strong's Hebrew #: h.7325, ( masc., ) Translation: DROOL Definition: [To be verified] The thick drool of saliva or an egg white. Pictures symbolized words, and later sounds. Alternate Translations: lazy (when written in the niphil [passive] form) KJV Translations: feeble, fail, weaken, go, alone, idle, stay, slack, faint, forsake, abate, cease Strong's Hebrew #: h.7503, ( masc., ) Translation: FRAIL KJV Translations: weak Strong's Hebrew #: h.7504, ( common, ) Translation: PULVERIZE (V) KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7322, ( fem., ) Translation: MEDICINE KJV Translations: medicine Strong's Hebrew #: h.8644, ( fem., ) Translation: WHEAT Definition: [To be verified] A grain pulverized with a mortar and pestle for making a flour. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7572, ( masc., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding. Our Hebrew Date Converter displays dates in Hebrew. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, / r.b.ah ) Translation: BE.SQUARE (V) Definition: Any four sided object. Small in form, the meaning of the Yod is great. Resh (r): head: first part, beginning . 05E8 w HEBREW LETTER RESH 05E9 x HEBREW LETTER SHIN 05EA y HEBREW LETTER TAV Sign 05EF j HEBREW YOD TRIANGLE Yiddish digraphs 05F0 z HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH DOUBLE VAV A complaining in low tones, usually in private. KJV Translations: high place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7413, ( fem., ) Translation: HEIGHT KJV Translations: height Strong's Hebrew #: h.7419, ( fem., ) Translation: DECEITFUL Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: deceitful, deceit, slothful, false, guile, idle, slack Strong's Hebrew #: h.7423, ( fem., / mir-mah ) Translation: DECEIT Definition: The act or practice of not being honest. ( masc., ) Translation: TENDERNESS KJV Translations: tender Strong's Hebrew #: h.7391, ( fem., / ya-rey-akh ) Translation: MIDSECTION Definition: The lower abdomen and back. This will need special handling for 1,000 and 2,000 because of grammatical considerations. this letter was used to represent r consonant. KJV Translations: locust, grasshopper Strong's Hebrew #: h.0697. KJV Translations: goods, substance, riches Strong's Hebrew #: h.7399. ( common, / r.g.ah ) Translation: REPOSE (V) Definition: To stir as in stirring the waters or to stir from sleep. KJV Translations: lying down, side, fourth, square Strong's Hebrew #: h.7252, h.7253, ( masc., / ri-va ) Translation: FOURTH.GENERATION Definition: A great-great grandchild, as a descendant of the fourth generation. The Bullae of the Son of from the City of David - Daniel Vainstub - Read online for free. KJV Translations: famine, hunger, dearth, famished, hungry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7457, h.7458, ( masc., / ra-a-von ) Translation: FAMINE Definition: An extreme scarcity of food. ( ) Definition: The tenderness of the loins. KJV Translations: running Strong's Hebrew #: h.4794, ( ) Definition: The process of drying clay bricks or pots in the sun. KJV Translations: month, moon Strong's Hebrew #: h.3391, h.3394 Strong's Aramaic #: a.3393. All rights are . Ancient Hebrew alphabet: The early Semtic Hebrew alphabet and the paleo Phoenix Hebrew (Mesha stone engraved) alphabets consist 22 letters read from right to left . 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent. KJV Translations: thunder, roar, trouble, fret Strong's Hebrew #: h.7481, ( masc., ) Translation: THUNDER KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7482, ( fem., ) Translation: MANE.OF.A.HORSE Definition: > KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7483, ( ) Definition: As the shaking of the earth. KJV Translations: multiply, increase, much, more, long, store, exceedingly, abundance, grow, great Strong's Hebrew #: h.7235 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7236, ( masc., ) Translation: ENHANCE KJV Translations: increase, great Strong's Hebrew #: h.4766, ( masc., / ar-beh ) Translation: SWARMING.LOCUST Definition: A six legged insect having short antennae and commonly migrating in swarms that strip the vegetation from large areas. ( common, ) Translation: TRAVEL (V) KJV Translations: wayfaring, go Strong's Hebrew #: h.0732, ( fem., ) Translation: ALLOWANCE Definition: [To be verified] An allotted amount of food. KJV Translations: thin, lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7534, ( masc., / raq ) Translation: ONLY Definition: A single instance or thing and nothing more or different. Ato yodea . Modern Hebrew characters are different from ancient Hebrew. As is usual in early alphabets, Early . [citation needed] KJV Translations: accept, please, pleasure, delight, enjoy, favourable, acceptable, accomplish, affection, approve Strong's Hebrew #: h.7521, ( masc., / ra-tson ) Translation: SELF.WILL Definition: Used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness. KJV Translations: cliff Strong's Hebrew #: h.6178, ( ) Definition: A breaking into pieces by throwing. The wood or tree or something made it. A hole in the roof where smoke escapes. A person in authority or role of leader. It also has the meaning of "two," "again" and "both.". The letter Resh is one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet that initiates or begins, that starts something. KJV Translations: far, afar Strong's Hebrew #: h.4801. KJV Translations: destruction Strong's Hebrew #: h.2035. The stringing of a bow is a treading as the foot is stepped over the bow and using the leg to bend it. KJV Translations: drip, breach Strong's Hebrew #: h.7447. Relationship to Parent: pieces, ( common, ) Translation: FIT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To fit together. KJV Translations: gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.6192. ( masc., ) Translation: SECRET Relationship to Root: As hidden and therefore thin. The head of a person, place, thing or time. Bet/Vet is a Tent Floor Plan, House, Dwelling, Temple; Body, In, Inside, Within, Heart, Family, Kingdom 3. KJV Translations: street, ways, place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7339, ( masc., / ro-hhav ) Translation: WIDTH Definition: Largeness of extent or scope. KJV Translations: trembling Strong's Hebrew #: h.7461, ( ) Definition: The quivering of a scarf in the breeze. ( fem., ) Translation: SHOVEL Definition: [To be verified] A shovel used for winnowing grain in the wind. KJV Translations: leanness, scant Strong's Hebrew #: h.7332. In Hebrew there are many numbers, symbols, pictures and meanings mixed within the letters themselves. Combined these mean "man watches". ( common, / sh.r.ts ) Translation: SWARM (V) Definition: To move, as a large mass of creatures. Shin (Sin) The twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Previous Resh Next Tav Shin is the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 300 Sound: "SH" with a dot over the right side, and "S" with a dot over the left Meaning: 1. tooth 2. steadfast 3. change 4. return 5. year In this article: Story Design ( common, / riq ) Translation: EMPTY Definition: The lack of intelligence or significance in an action. Relationship to Parent: binding, ( common, ) Translation: ATTACH (V) KJV Translations: bind Strong's Hebrew #: h.7573, ( masc., ) ( fem., / rit-mah ) Translation: JUNIPER Definition: A species of tree, possibly the Juniper. Christians picture Resh as ZThe Head: in the sense of human reason. ( common, ) Translation: RUN (V) KJV Translations: run Strong's Hebrew #: h.7519. KJV Translations: breadth, broad, thickness, largeness, thick, wilderness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7341, ( masc., ) Translation: WIDE.PLACE KJV Translations: large, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.4800, ( ) Relationship to Parent: being far, ( common, / r.hh.q ) Translation: BE.FAR (V) Definition: To be distant, a long way off. Hebrew is an ancient language with many interesting features! The power of the seventh letter Resh-aleph could be used for the name Ra. Relationship to Parent: through the idea of pasture, ( masc., ) Translation: FLOURISHING Definition: A green plant bearing fruit. ( common, ) Translation: GRIEVE (V) KJV Translations: displease, grieve, grievous, evil, ill, harm, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.3415. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: burn, burning Strong's Hebrew #: h.8316, ( fem., ) Translation: BURNING Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: burning Strong's Hebrew #: h.4955, ( common, / r.p.k ) Translation: DECLINE Definition: [To be verified] (A word of uncertain meaning) KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. The color of grasses and herbs as thin. KJV Translations: curse Strong's Hebrew #: h.0779, ( fem., ) Translation: SPITTING Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: curse, cursing Strong's Hebrew #: h.3994. Resh is the twentieth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Rsh Phoenician res.svg, Hebrew Rsh , Aramaic Rsh Resh.svg, Syriac Rsh , and Arabic R . ( ) Action: Feed Object: Shepherd, Friend, Pasture, Tent curtain, Field Abstract: Desire, Flourish Definition: The shepherd closely watched over his flock, often they are his only companions. KJV Translations: evil, evildoer, hurt, wickedly, worse, afflict, wicked, break, doer, ill, harm, displease, mischief Strong's Hebrew #: h.4827, h.7489. Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh - YouTube KJV Translations: mule, dromedary, beast Strong's Hebrew #: h.7409, ( masc., / re-khush ) Translation: GOODS Definition: Something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want; personal property having intrinsic value but usually excluding money, securities and negotiable instruments. Also, a kin, as a near relative. The Letter Resh () - Hebrew Today ( ) Definition: As the man enters the tent he descends down on the sheet to sit. KJV Translations: merchandise, traffick Strong's Hebrew #: h.7404, ( masc., ) Translation: TALEBEARER Definition: A traveler selling stories and songs. KJV Translations: spoils Strong's Hebrew #: h.0698, ( masc., ) Translation: AMBUSH Definition: [To be verified] A place for an ambush. ( ) Definition: Messengers ran messages written on potsherds.

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