All hell break loose one evening when Reds turn up singing, Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me. By the time Esme end the call, it dark, and Lilian still sniffling. Mighty Sparrow - Soca Anthology [2 CD/DVD Combo] - Music 6:09. The earth vanish from under Lilian foot as if she in the middle ah the earthquake mashing up Haiti the same day in January Duncan arrive in Freeland grinning wide wide, like some sort ah invisible puppet master stretching the two corners ah he mouth. Lafleur Cockburn is a Vincentian writer living in Barbados. Esme me body weary, me soul tired, Lilian start trembling. (Soca, Reggae, Calypso) [CD] The Mighty Sparrow - Lilian at peace fuh the first time in months. Say A Prayer for Abu Bakr: A Eulogy For The Caribbeans No. Your notification has been stored in our system, thanks! "Christmas Morning the Rum Had Me Yawning" (1939), "Party for Santa Claus (A)" (1973), Lord Nelson, "Santa" - "Miss Santa" (1961), King Solomon, "Apology (The)" - "No Apology" (1995), Cro Cro, "Caught in the Whirlwind" (2017), Karene Asche, "Congo Bara (Prisonier levez)" - "Kongo Bara (Pwizonny Lv)" (1935), Keskidee Trio (Patois), "Corruption in Common Entrance" (1988), Cro Cro, "Dis Place Is Nice" (1975), Brother Valentino. "Par Quiea Mweh" - "Pa Kwiy Mwen" (Dont Call Me) (1990), "Bye Bye Blakie" (1969), Calypso Princess, "Careful What Yuh Ask For" (2011), Karen Asche, "Coming Back to What" (2013), Marvellous Marva. "No Nora Darling" - "Nora" - "Nora Darling" (1937). A tag already exists with the provided branch name. TITLE "Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me" PERFORMER "The Mighty Sparrow" SONGWRITER "The Mighty Sparrow" ISRC USVPR1100160 REM COMMENT "17 North Parade - VPCD 4173" REM REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN -10.96 dB REM REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK 0.999969 INDEX 01 00:00:00 FILE "09 - The Mighty Sparrow - Sparrow Water De Garden.flac" WAVE Sparrow's roots are in Gran Roi, a rural fishing village in Grenada. "Land of Calypso" - "Trinidad, the Land of Calypso" (1950), "Long Live Calypso" (1973), Lord Superior. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me Sparrow Water De Garden Dead Or Alive Village Ram Whole Night We Jamming Ten To One Mr. Walker Drunk and Disorderly Medley Slinger Francisco aka The Mighty Sparrow aka Doctor Bird is a living legend and iconic entertainer with over 50 years in the business. He low the gang ah weedheads to build they own shack at Blighters. Duncan fall in with Governor Mitchell daughter, and since the Mitchells own estates all over the world, he only in St. Vincent a few weeks in the summer except fuh the time he show up early and pepper Ernest backside fuh illtreating Lilian. The mob beat the daylights out ah Oscar. Ernest temper like a rat trap, and poor Lilian tripping it just by breathing. Reds is a nice girl, Mummy. She buddy, Duncan, use to live pan Hilltop before he marry a bigshot. Do you know any background info about this track? Lilian, yuh rip off yuh own front door? she gripe even before she enter the yard. Lilian turn philanthropist that January; she sweeping the church yard even though she no longer step foot in the service, she taking care ah Duncan even though he have he own team ah nurses, she cooking fuh the gang ah weedheads even though the whole ah Freeland disapprove. Slinger Francisco aka The Mighty Sparrow aka Doctor Bird is a living legend and iconic entertainer with over 50 years in the business. Lilian low it to rip off she clothes. Link, 2023 All rights reserved. Time to get me house in order. Start the wiki. All of a sudden, the two cut-arse mek sense. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me, Pussy Fried Water, Pussy Laughing at Me. "Get to Hell Outa Here" - "Get to Hell Out" (1965), "Good Manning Mr Manning" (1992), Rootsman. Whole Night We Jamming; 13. Medley: Sweet Music/Party Music/Gimmme Room to Dance. She duh even spare a backward glance fuh Lilian. Reds granny use to be de PTA president. Somebody better enlighten Ms. Better-dan-de-rest bout de last hoity-toity who use to live at Blighters, Freeland High School PTA president pipe up at a Friday meeting. Reds, yuh not doing dis fuh free, Esme remind Reds, as if she suspect the truth. 1 Muslim Terrorist, Shades of Brown: The Life and Times of The Satanic Verses, God Doesnt Live in the Sky, They Live in the Ocean, Ritual For Remaking Yourself/ The Naming of Things. This duppy powerful. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me - YouTube Music A new version of is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. "His Majesty King George the 6th Coronation" (1937). Spotify. Soca Anthology: Dr. Bird - The Mighty Sparrow. 2023 and its affiliates and partner companies. "We Mourn the Loss of Sir Murchison Fletcher" (1938). Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me by Mighty Sparrow on Amazon Music - Shut up Lilian. Check out The Renaissance by Mighty Sparrow on Amazon Music. She feeling real sorry fuh sheself. This is a list of calypsos categorised by main topics. The rumshop kill him, not Lilian. The Mighty Sparrow. But is not me doin all dat, Lilian wring she hands in frustration. This Friday night, when the duppy done with Lilian, she forget she own name. A new version of is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. Slinger Francisco aka the Mighty Sparrow aka Doctor Bird is a living legend and iconic entertainer with over 50 years in the . Lilian grandson and the PTA president granddaughter in the bunch. Just so Lilian vex. Reds give up. Water dark my people, alyuh be safe out dere! he holler before signing off the Vincy-Vybz morning show. It walk past the circle without a scratch, pull Lilian off the Bible, and push it aside without flinching. "Calypso music has been used by Calypsonians to provide sociopolitical commentary. Lilian get the same sixteen years with she grandson before he join he mother. Pussy Friad Water. This song is sung by Mighty Sparrow. "Ugly Woman" - "Marry an Ugly Woman" - "Give an Ugly Woman Matrimony" (1934), "Women and Money" (1962), Mighty Conqueror. Become a paying member too. She wait til she and the duppy eye-to-eye, then she smile. "Crawford is the Man" - "Halsey Crawford" (1977), "Four Lara Four" - "Laramania" (1995), Defosto, "Keep Fit" - "Keep Fit Man" (1983), All Rounder, "Keshorn" - "Javelin Champion (The)" (2013), Eunice Peters, "Come Le We Go Sookie" (1964), King Fighter. "Devil Behind Me (The)" - "Leggo" (1940), "La Jobless" - "Labejeless Woman (The)" - "Lajobless Woman (The) - "Ladjabls"" (1938) -. Wey she dead husband have to do with this? Freeland wicked people aware that Ernest choke pan he own vomit in a drunken stupor. Ello, low me fuh ride me own duppy. People blame Lilian. St. Vincent reeling from dengue, Coronavirus wreaking havoc and the island pan Code-Red fuh ah volcanic eruption. "Ram the Magician" - "Ram D Magician" (1984), "Respect Gods Voice" (2016), Devon Seale, "Road Protest" - "DAsphalt" (2013), Mistah Shak. "Calypso music has been used by Calypsonians to provide sociopolitical commentary. The Renaissance by Mighty Sparrow on Amazon Music - GitHub export from English Wikipedia. "What to Do with the Environment" (1994), "Ah Love my Nani" (2014), Sharleene Boodram. "Nothing for Nothing" - "Give to Get" (1961), "Pretentious Women" (1964), Young Growler. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me (for John Game) by Mighty Sparrow chords - Yalp Dis place is a Corona nest, he announce. "Mad Scientist" - "What the Scientist Say" (1962), "Man Family" - "Too Much Man Family" (1967) - Mighty Zandolie, "Merchant of Venice" (1967), Mighty Zandolie, "Ms McCarthy party" (1981), King Wellington. The duppy call Lilian name fuh the first time. Pussy Fried Water Mighty Sparrow. Lilian duh even know wey she fling the fish. Interviews [DVD] 2. "Labour Situation in Trinidad (The)" (1939). "Soca Warriors" - "Soca Warrior too" (2007). "I Dont Know How the Young Men Living" (1937), "Laughing in the Ghetto" (2000), Pink Panther. "Woman Is Boss" - "Whos the Boss?" Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me . Everybody off the road except Freeland rum men. Is around this time Freeland people start whispering bout how Lilian not right in she head, like she buddy Duncan. The evening is a carbon copy ah the 79 eruption, and although it dread, is the least ah Lilian concern. - VAT N.: IT 12954150152. "Missing Ball (The)" - "Guardian Contest (The)" (1939), "Night Food" (1955), Bedasse (with Calypso Quintet). He was born to a poor working c, Slinger Francisco, better known as The Mighty Sparrow, affectionately dubbed, The Birdie is the unrivaled Calypso King of the World, with a career that spans over 40 years and counting. One unruly mob set off fuh Blighters. In the middle ah the revelry, thunder boom like the Almighty scolding the whole rabble fuh they drunkenness. Prior to the independence of Trinidad and Tobago, calypsonians would use their music to express the daily struggles of living in Trinidad, critique racial and economic inequalities, express opinions on social order, and voice overall concerns for those . She bathe in a bucket ah rice water ole people say rice water does mek yuh see duppy clear as day. Watch how yuh deeds have yuh! Reds grumble. "You Cant Get Anything Out of Me" (1928), "You Gotta Give Away" (1979), Singing Diane (written by. Listen to Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me on Apple Music. Freeland men hash out Teacher blatant violation ah they daughters every day at the rumshop. Find Mighty Sparrow - Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me lyrics and search for Mighty Sparrow. The wife duh work, but she leave home every morning dress like she large and in charge. Me get rid ah de duppy now.. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me Mighty Sparrow. The men still hanging round Blighters, but Lilian see enough. Sign up free 0:00 0:00 The only other body capable ah that was Ernest. She buy some red panty to be on the safe side; ole people say no matter how much a duppy want a woman, it will never go near red drawers. Dead or Alive; 11. Ahwasatherumshop. Oscar shaking so much, he words running together. Scrobble, find and rediscover music with a account, Do you know a YouTube video for this track? Lilian peep out from she kitchen wey she busy preparing some callaloo soup and fish. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. To continue editing please select your version. Everybody watching Lilian funny, but she duh waste time pan Freeland ignoramus. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. but never more so than the time she said to somebody "i haven't had that much fun since pussy was a kitten". Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me - The Mighty Sparrow | Shazam Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. 1: DVD: Editorial Reviews . Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me lyrics - Mighty Sparrow | Duh sing dat in my place, she tell Reds with such ferocity, Reds freeze up right away. If she want de locks change, den change de friggin locks! Esme scream through the Samsung cellphone she send fuh Lilian last birthday. Lilian know Reds looking fuh fame after Esme fix she good yesterday. She fed up feeling like a frighten puppy. News spread like wildfire, the whole ah Freeland, including Lilian congregate by the gate early enough to hear Duncan order the ladyfriend to switch to Lilian favorite Queen CD. She mek the sign ah the cross, rebuking whoever or whatever walking over she grave. "O.J. Before Lilian say anything, Reds hands stretch out like a traffic police charging a mini-van to halt. "Strange Case of Madam Occhahontas and the Westminster Dreadlocks (The)" (1996), "Wajang" - "Yuh Aint See Wajang Yet" (2009), Tigress, "Wrap Spoon and Fork in Napkin" (2019), Hunter. Wey de arse going on here? She finally blurt out as she two foot start buckling. Me go need help fuh clear way all dat mess. She look at she living room floor and shake she head. Ernest didnt live too long after the fiasco. Go directly to shout page. News spread like wildfire, the whole ah Freeland, including Lilian congregate by the gate early enough to hear Duncan order the ladyfriend to switch to Lilian favorite Queen CD. Tejan Green Wasjak, Ritual For Remaking Yourself/ The Naming of Things She mind she own business, til yesterday when she go down Hilltop with some callaloo soup and fish fuh the weedheads. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Pyramid Scam. 5:44pm Comi-Kal Cat Fight Mighty Sparrow | Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me 1 6:11 Pussy Fried Water 2 3:46 Pussy Laughing at Me 3 2:56 Sell De Pussy 4 3:47 Hairy Spider 5 2:50 Pussy Quarreling 6 4:48 The Old Bed 7 3:48 Roy Sweeter Than You 8 4:29 A Slight Mistake 9 3:46 My Connie 10 4:33 Wife & Boat 11 4:32 Xmas Moppers 12 3:40 Sleepy Head Charlie 13 4:04 March 1, 2001 13 Songs, 53 Minutes Rohlehr, Gordon (Caribbean Reviews of Gender Studies, February 2010, Issue 4). Not a strand ah hair pan he head, and he pack with blistery bubbles like hogskin turning pan a barbeque spit. Please login or create account to unlock these features. Yuh skip out ah hell? "1540, Category:Calypso_music Category:Lists_of_musical_works Category:Music_and_politics Category:Music-related_lists. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me Song | Mighty Sparrow | The Renaissance Known as the King of Calypso for many, The Mighty Sparrow has defined Calypso and Soca through the years with the countless hits hes recorded. Thi, Slinger Francisco, better known as The Mighty Sparrow, affectionately dubbed, The Birdie is the unrivaled Calypso King of the World, with a career that spans over 40 years and counting. Said images are used to exert a right to report and a finality of the criticism, in a degraded mode compliant to copyright laws, and exclusively inclosed in our own informative content. Ah release yuh in de name ah the holy ghost! Lilian scream this time, she cries blending with the duppy unholy shrieks. "Selwin in the Garden Hiding" - "Adam in the Garden Hiding" (1996), "Sprangers Story (A)" (2013), Tobago Chalkie. (Cambridge University Press, 2001, volume 20, issue 3) [. With a free account you can only add up to ten songs to your playlist. Rockol only uses images and photos made available for promotional purposes (for press use) by record companies, artist managements and p.r. Reds, yuh staying wit Mummy, nah true? Esme ask. Lilian cringe up in the corner whimpering like a lost puppy in the rain. He wriggling pan the ground with blood oozing from he open blisters. Mummy, me praying hard fuh you and uncle Duncan, Esme tell Lilian, but she mother refuse to say one word in response. Roy Sweeter Than You . Mummy duh say dem tings, Despair chase out the lil hope in Esme voice. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me - The Mighty Sparrow | Shazam This artist par excellence has earned his rightful place as "King of the Calypso World" by defeating every other competitor/pretender to his throne. Reds meet Lilian sweeping up glass from the two front windows. Start the wiki. The police scratch he head. Reds hug Lilian. Lyric | Song lyrics | Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me - Rockol Yuh only sorry fuh he cause he resemble Ernest, he grumble. Free rum get to they head during Freeland Easter Friday cook-out and they decide to castrate Teacher. Liverpool, Hollis (Mighty Chalkdust) (2001). Lilian wasn home, and Esme tell she uncle all bout she father. "Turn Back Melo" - "Turn back Melody" (1960), "What They Get, They Will Take" (1963), Lord Blakie, "Before You Gone" - "Before you gone Birdie" (2016), Macomere Fifi, "Pretender's Reminder" (2015), Mistah Shak, "Sartorial Elegance" (2007), Duane O'Connor, "Tribute to Kitchener" (2000), Lord Relator. Thi, Slinger Francisco, better known as The Mighty Sparrow, affectionately dubbed, The Birdie is the unrivaled Calypso King of the World, with a career that spans over 40 years and counting. Oscar step forward Ah could help yuh officer?. Juma Bihari, God Doesnt Live in the Sky, They Live in the Ocean Day" - "Lay Fung Lee" - "Chinese Calypso" - "Chinese Memorial" - "Lai Fook Lee" (1948). "Rastaman" - "Rastaman Be Careful" (1979), "Eat your Cake and Still Have It" (2007), Skatie, "Good Time Pioneers" (2005), Brother Mudada. "Raperman Coming (The)" - "Raperman" - "Sexy Employers" (1984). "Sa Sa Yay" - "Sa Sa Ay" - "Sa Sa Y"(1969), "Shake up" - "Shake Up Shake Up" (1977), Lord Brigo, "Spend Your Money Wise" (1962), Nap Hepburn. This artist par excellence has earned his rightfu, Soca Anthology: Dr. Bird - The Mighty Sparrow, A Little Love aka That's All I Want from You, Island in the Sun (From "Island in the Sun"), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Truth is, he cyar remember much bout heself, but he here, and he grateful. The police mek they appearance, throw four charred corpse in a death cart trailing behind they transport, and leave Blighters like the devil pan they tail. The Mighty Sparrow. The mob wrestle with the fire cause they want Teacher alive, but the raging inferno swallow everything. She change tactics, Sometimes dem pickney does sick. If is one night she going fight back, is tonight. Listen to Mighty Sparrow Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me MP3 song. Dats all I sayin, the president insist before grudgingly dropping the subject. "Our Model Nation" - "Model Nation" (1962), "Portrait of Trinidad" (1965), Mighty Sniper. Dis Alzheimers nuh easy pan none ah we. Lilian prepare she living room fuh the big show down. Luister naar Comi-Kal Cat Fight van Mighty Sparrow op Deezer. Liverpool, Hollis (Mighty Chalkdust) (1 June 1987). PREVIEW. Esme threaten to fly home fuh Lilian. "Obeah Man" - "Take Me to the Obeah Man" (1967), "Doh JackAss the Scene" (2021), Devon Seale, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Amery Brown, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Brian London, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Devon Seale, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Heather MacIntosh, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), His Majesty Baker Jr (First of the chain), "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Josef Paty, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Michelle Henry, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Raymond Ramnarine, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Roger Mohammed, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Stacey Sobers, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Terri Lyons, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Lady Watchman, "Extempo Quarantine Challenge" (2020), Queen Victoria. 17 North Parade Presents 30 essential hits from The Mighty Sparrow on two CDs, packaged in a deluxe digi-pak, liner notes written by Rolph I.L. They making so much money, they dont know wey to do with themself. He stick up a big, red English Lessons sign pan Blighters front gate. Is a good thing Freeland in the safe zone, because Lilian duh want to evacuate anywhere else, she want to deal with she demons right here in Freeland. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me. (Gregory Ballantyne). You signed in with another tab or window. Search results for 'ah fraid pussy bite me by mighty sparrow' - Duncan find Ernest singing Sparrow's "Fraid Pussy Bite Me" in one he ladyfriend yard. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. Requested tracks are not available in your region. Gamma Gaana Ltd. 2023, All Rights Reserved. This artist par excellence has earned his rightfu, Don't Stay Out Late/ Lord Creator Greatest Hits, Soca Anthology: Dr. Bird - The Mighty Sparrow, BAHAMAS Andre Toussaint: Bahamian Ballads, Me Ting Is Mine (Reasonbeing & Sterling Remix), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Reds starting Monday, she end the call before Lilian could think of a comeback. Steel Bottom, on de house he say loud loud, and pass the drink to the officer. 2. How me fuh leave them alone?. Not even as it push she pan she back and crawl over she body. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Who aint droppin like August boo-boo over ah coal pit, scatterin like big flies from under Soufrire. "Nobody Cares" - "They Don't Care About We" (2001), "Pack up Your Things and Go" (1998), Luta, "Politicians Love Calypsonians" - "Politicians Love Calypso" (1999), Manchild. De duppy nearly kill me agen Esme! Lilian wail. "Come Back With Revenge in This Island" (1947), "God Bless Our Nation" (1967), Lord Baker, "Indo Law Na Say So" (1959), Lord Inventor. By the time Freeland catch itself, it have a bunch ah red pickney walking pan one side like a certain Englishman. Ah Nicodemus? Oscar ask. "Man Centapee" - "Man Centipede" - "Female of the Species (The)" (1943), "Man with the Pepper Sauce Is Boss (The)" - "Pepper Sauce" (1987), Mighty Swallow. He lips turn a sickly pink hue, like somebody douse Pepto-Bismol on rotten salmon and leave it in the sun. Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! Lilian duh bother with the snot running out she nose. Apple Music You can upload an mp3 to analyze chords and separate instruments tracks only with a Premium account. The duration of song is 06:16. Grandmama Jane and Uncle Steve They taught me all I must believe Jumbies start to work at six o'clock Rabbit foot goin' bring you good luck Bad luck if you put hat on bed When puppy cries, somebody dead Really, I don't believe all of that But I am very superstitious about cat Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me The Mighty Sparrow Lying Excuses The Mighty Sparrow Similar Songs TRACK ARTIST SHAZAMS Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me The Mighty Sparrow 2,041 Go Tell It On The Mountain Bob Marley 13,267 Happy Xmas (War Is Over) John Holt 2,829 Ravers Steel Pulse 22,115 California Larry Gatlin & Romain Virgo 3,369 So officer, if ah sanitizer wit sixty percent alcohol cud kill dis Corona virus, wey yuh tink Sunset strong rum go do to it when it hit de gut with more dan eighty-five percent alcohol?. She gape like a fish out ah water as she try to comprehend wey she seeing on Lilian living room floor. She always sharing stories; how Lilian forgetting names, how she does forget wey day it be, how she does get angry and lash out fuh no reason. 7. This artist par excellence has earned his rightful place as "King of the Calypso World" by defeating every other competitor/pretender to his throne. Lyrics powered by "You Cant Get Away From the Tax" (1959). "Fat Pussy Cat and Rat" - "Papa Rat" (2010). Teacher sniff he looming fate pan the breeze, and rip a full page out the Campbell arson guide. "Arima Tonight, Sangre Grande Tomorrow Night" (1931), "Carnival Celebration" (1956), Small Island Pride. "Black Man Feel Like Party" - "Black Man Come to Party" (1991), "Carnival Come Back Again" (2000), Iwer George, "La La Jam" - "La La" (1976), Lord Nelson, "Moving (To the Left)" (1996), Nigel Lewis, "Take Your Clothes off" (1993), Spice & Company, "Trinidad" - "Right Hand" (2002), Naya George. He was born to a poor working c, Slinger Francisco, better known as The Mighty Sparrow, affectionately dubbed, The Birdie is the unrivaled Calypso King of the World, with a career that spans over 40 years and counting. Sell the Pussy. Lilian duh trust the man, but the rest ah Freeland falling over themself to get they pickney in he lessons. Me know yuh granny does keep dem, Lilian fling back. Lilian know exactly wey she hear this song before. ", To place an order or for customer service, call toll-free. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Yuh reach? She call out to Reds, Go Get de enamel mop bucket behind de house nah. The Mighty Sparrow. He muscles stand out as if The Maker spend quality time etching every sinew pan he frame. The officer step back. "Respect the Thing" - "Respect the Ting" (1982), "Scrunting Calypsonian" (1978), Trinidad Rio, "Seeking Sparrow's advice" (2013), Duane OConnor, "She Want Me To Sing in She Party" - "Sing in She Party" (1987), Scrunter. Start the wiki Featured On A police visit the rumshop trying to appeal to whatever conscience still alive under the alcohol. Scrobble, find and rediscover music with a account, Do you know any background info about this album? Ah release yuh in the name ah de son, Lilian voice stronger now. Once Duncan and he wife set off pan they usual globetrotting, Ernest tote Lilian gifts to he ladyfriends. One time, out the blue, Duncan circle back. Stick round. We'll send you an email to notify you when it is done. Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Me (Live) - song and lyrics by The Mighty Sparrow

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