The Mentor's armor set is built for speed and aggression. Location: Anderitum Hideout, Suthsexe This is one of the trickiest locations to explore as there are quite a few passageways and hallways. Required: 3 Daughters of Lerion completed. Mentor's Vambrace - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wiki Guide - IGN Anderitum Hideout Ingot Location | Assassin's Creed Valhalla First, throw your torch to ignite the gas on the staircase. Next England Lincolnscire Treasure Hoard Map Prev England Suthsexe Gear. Move the shelf next to the wall of the highest room to enter and collect the book. Location: The witch's lair North of Isle of Ely Monastery in Grantebridgescire (Suggested Power for fighting the witch: 250). Anderitum Hideout Mastery Challenges Shrine Location and Challenges The next shrine can be found in the southeastern corner of the area called Suthsexe. It's one of Azar's imported armor sets, and must be traded for at her shop in Dublin. As such, the Celtic Armor set isn't too bad. Usefulness: Obviously the Magister's Armor set is very specialised since its perks only activate at night. You may have to exit the cave and restore your magical energy to use the power again. Climb the stairs above the barred door and shoot the wooden wall. Click the links below to learn how to find every Mentor's Armor piece: Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, 12 Best Weapons to Use in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Best Armor Sets to Use in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, 6 Best Abilities to Use in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Settlement Guide - Ravensthorpe Features and Upgrades, Abilities and Book of Knowledge Locations, Every Easter Egg To Find in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Daughters of Lerion - Locations and Battle Tips, Treasures of Britain - Locations and Guide, Hidden Ones Bureaus - Locations and Guides, Order of the Ancients - Templar Locations and Clues Guide, A Fated Encounter DLC Guide - Odyssey Valhalla Crossover, Character Customization Guide - Tattoos and Hairstyles, All Known Bugs, Glitches, Fixes, and Workarounds, Looking to find more Armor Sets? I am currently using the Brigandine set, but hadn't given much consideration to the impact it was having on my stamina. Usefulness: The Fire Giant armor set provides pretty significant attack and defence bonuses when your weapon is on fire, making it a very solid choice for those who prefer to fight in close quarters. Climb the shelf with scrolls for the 1st key. Rats are also an issue in the dungeon. The Celtic Armor Set is designed to make Eivor more dangerous as you take damage. What I am so confused about with ubisoft AC approach in the last few games, is why the hell do they add all of this nonsensical content post launch that is all useless once you beaten the game fully. Grab the Codex I note. The explosion radius is also large, meaning that multiple opponents can be caught in the blast. I just wanna have fun or be challenged not going on and one just for the sake of it. Grab the Codex V note. Now that you are inside you need to climb down the ladder, then shoot the boxes and jars so you can shoot the breakable wooden slats on the floor. It's a bandit hideout with a twist. Defeat this witch to claim her dagger (a quest item) and Thor's Breeches. And, in order to upgrade your armor, you'll need to collect Carbon, Nickel, and Tungsten (Gold) Ingots. Suthsexe Treasure Hoard Guide | Assassin's Creed Valhalla This will get you to the top. Jump down. Anderitum Hideout Ingot Locations Nickel Ingot Enlarge Map View Enlarge Overworld View Look for the Goliath inside the Anderitum Hideout, located on the southeast part of Suthsexe. The chest is found in a locked hut near the centre of the camp. Make your way to the right side of the room and follow the path. Go to the Secret Entrance. Location: Suthsexe - Embert Blockade (Restricted Area). The Egyptian Armor Set is designed to empower Eivor during the day. Location: River Raids, random map, random military encampment. Open the door with the gear. Read on to find out where to find the Treasure Hoard Map and the Treasure Hoard itself! You'll find a flooded tunnel that you can swim through. Will keep this as a reference whilst i play. Mentor's Vambrance You will find the chest in the Anderitum hideout. You literally become so overpowered in this game that armor stats mean nothing. In the Inventory Bag of your Inventory Menu, the players can keep track of what they've fished. This chest is at the centre of the ruins, behind a large boulder that you'll have to move. In the smaller room, look up and release the ladder. RELATED: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Where To Find All Of The Codex Pages. This chest is underground, and getting to it is tricky. Location: Suthsexe - Crawleah Dock (Restricted Area). Follow the beam and use your bow to change the direction of the orb that it's hitting. Smash the patch and go through to the other side. The Power Level is 90 Assassin's Creed Valhalla How to get Armor Gear in Anderitum Hideout Do the same in the next larger room, before locating the breakable wooden floor. The chest is about halfway through, but you'll need to be quick in order to continue following the tunnel back to the surface without drowning. Move the blockage. The Hidden Ones armor set is designed to enhance a stealthy style of play. Assassins Creed Valhalla: Where To Find All Of The Pieces Of The Mentors Armor Set, The 10 Best Armors In Assassin's Creed Valhalla, various weapons and armor have been added to the mix, Assassins Creed Valhalla: Find Every Piece Of Thor's Armor, Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Where To Find All Of The Codex Pages, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Complete Guide And Walkthrough. Usefulness: The Egyptian Armor set is essentially an inverted version of the Magister's Armor set but its attack boost is bigger. As such, the overall usefulness of this armor set is debateable. Swim down, going North. Location: Temple of Ceres Bureau in Glowecestrescire (Suggested Power 220). The AC Valhalla beast of the hills location is a little tricky as there is a hidden way that leads the player to the Legendary Bear. Defeat the Viking warrior who lives on top of the tall island. You will not receive a second shield from the chest. From the SE is a path slightly below ground with poison. Use the key on the door (it's to the left of where you get out of the water) and the chest is yours. Instead, you'll have to trade iron ore, leather, and ingots. End: The paper will stop on a rope hanging between the walls. Climb up through it, and then peek through the gap above the shelf and shoot down the chandelier. Usefulness: Another fantastic looking armor set, but it's just not that useful in practice. Once inside the hideout, go straight from the skylit room down the tunnel until you reach a wall with a wooden patch on the bottom. Usefulness: The Byzantine Greek Armor may not have the most exciting perks, but this is a rock solid set that's easy to make use of. During a River Raid, open a large chest in a military encampment to be in with a chance of finding Saint George's Armor. You can only enter the warehouse through the front door. Join 408,488 people following Push Square: 2023 Hookshot Media, partner of ReedPop. Add some critical-boosting runes to the mix, and it's hard to fault this set. Down the stairs, through the 2nd SW door. Version: 18.1 | Updated: 01/16/2021 FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2021 | Official GameFAQs Guide. You have to play for so long until you come across a way of the bear armor set. It's one of the most difficult armor sets to track down, as the pieces are scattered far and wide, in regions of various power levels. I need something to work for,give me tons of options when it comes to loot and Ill play the crap out of a game. Unlock the door. Looking for something specific? The rest of the keys can be looted from several elite enemies stationed around the island. Your Infamy level increases every time you complete a rebel mission. A very long and slow gold medal. To exit the church, pull the shelf over to the ladder and use it to climb out. Head to the southeast of Crawleah and you will reach this statue. Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Anderitum Hideout (Wealth Locations That said, stealth can still be awkward in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and it's not always a viable style of play depending on the current objective. Simply complete the tour's initial set of quests (this takes roughly 10 to 20 minutes), and you'll obtain the armor automatically when you next load your save in the main game. I've done the layout, military setup and navigation intentions. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Location: Spalding Bandit Lair in Lincolnscire (Suggested Power 160). Defeat enemy with the key. Gained automatically once you reach the rank. Here the players dont need to constantly grind and complete the campaign, they can always take some time off and explore the expansive world created by Ubisoft. Climb from the top, shoot the wooden flooring, climb down. Climb the center statue and facing the icon, shoot the wooden wall. Location: Guildford in Susthexe (Suggested Power 160). Once you have both keys, leave the church and head to the small building beside it. Armed with a hunter or predator bow, it's easy to get the damage bonus without losing much accuracy. Turn left and climb up the wall. At the intersection, go straight (W), in the next room look south for a breakable wall with an oil jar in front of it. AC Valhalla has many legendary beasts that players can hunt to collect special bonuses. In this Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guide, we're going to list all of the armor sets that we've found throughout the game including both expansions and armor sets added through free content updates topped off with screenshots of each complete set, alongside location details. Suthsexe Wealth - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wiki Guide - IGN Shoot the chandelier down to break the rubble floor. Enter from the NE of the icons, in a small building. For the former, simply follow the tunnels underground. Next, break open the door and fight the Sleekit. Grab the Codex VI note. Inside the building, clmib up and over, Through the wooden door. Robert's been a dedicated PlayStation fan since the days of Tekken 2, and he still loves a good dust up. Grab the Codex II note. Enter from the East side and go left. Not only does it tend to look cool, it also provides various stat boosts and can significantly bolster your favourite style of play. Once you have the emerald key, locate the chest using Odin's sight, but instead of going into the nearest cell, enter the cell to the right. You can locate this treasure chest long before actually being able to reach it. Usefulness: The Mentor's Armor set is a great choice for aggressive play styles. They are deliberately making most in-game gear bland @shogunrok Incredibly useful guide, thank you very much. The chest is under the town's longhouse. Nice guide but this is not for me i get tired from looking at the guide. You'll arrive in the bureau's main room. Location: A trade reward at Azar's trading store. Where do you find different armor sets in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? Inside the tower on the riverside. Anderitum Hideout AC Valhalla Wealth Armor Gear Suthsexe Location How To - Assassins Creed Valhalla Villain Crew 5.4K subscribers Join Subscribe 102 15K views 2 years ago In this. - One of the best armor sets in the game. Start with boards that block the passage. After you get on top, destroy the cargo that obstructs the way to the window. Its pieces can be found all around Ireland. There are three River Raid maps to explore: River Exe, River Severn, and River Dee. Once she is dead, you can then open the chest and escape as fast as you can with your new piece of gear. There are two ways to this chest. Slide through the doorway 2x. The chest is easily accessible in one of the town's larger homes, but you'll need two keys to open it. It can be found relatively early on in the game. Location: Suthsexe - Chertsey Abbey Ruins. You'll need to enter the lair from the top entrance by destroying the rubble. I find it easy and relaxing. Usefulness: The perks aren't so bad, but the fact that they're only activated upon a full stun finisher makes this armor set situational at best. Outside the area by the grave is an oil jar and go North, drop down and turn around, break the wall. Usefulness: The Jotun Mantle armor set is arguably the best defensive set in the game, giving you a significant boost to damage resistance after using an ability. However, some of the chests with gear are hidden inside buildings, tunnels, underground, or are locked. The chest is yours, and you've (hopefully) completed the Hidden Ones' armor set. Usefulness: Obviously, taking damage is something that you want to avoid, but sometimes, even the most skilled players will take a hit here and there. Around the back of the building is a ledge. The chest is there. You need to find Saint Lewinna's Church in Guildford if you want to add the Mentor's Robes to your inventory. To acquire it, you have to find and kill every member of The Order of the Ancients all 45 of them. Its first perk can restore a lot of stamina if you're accurate enough, potentially allowing you to spam ranged abilities. Location: A reward for reaching Dublin Reputation Rank 4. All Assassin's Creed Valhalla Suthsexe Wealth, Mysteries - Polygon The same frustrating drawbacks as Thor's armor set, but at least the bonuses here are better. South of Saint Peter's Church. More blockage. However, the stats of your gear will vary based on what you have unlocked within your skill tree. Usefulness: The Galloglach armor set is a very solid option for aggressive styles of play. Then, break all the crates, boards, and barricades to get down to the ground floor of the main hall. This is one of the location i've worked on in AC Valhalla. Look through the second window on the first floor and shoot the lock off the door on the other side with your bow. It's in its own cave, on the eastern side of Uldar, inside the cliffs. Take one, and climb up the large tree. - A very good armor set that can really bolster your style of play. Climb up it and drop down. Location: Bishop's Residence in Wincestre (Suggested Power 250). Raiding every encampment is the only way to get every piece of Saint George's armor set, including this cape. Usefulness: Armor sets that are built to boost your ranged abilities are quite rare in Valhalla, but given just how powerful ranged combat can be, this is an excellent armor set for those who live by the bow. I tried the challenge yesterday and everything worked fine the key was there to loot from the NPC tried to restart as I wanted gold placement, I restarted but the key suddenly disappeared I reset my game, completely turned off the console and . In this spot, you should find the entrance to a long underwater tunnel. Locked chest inside the house. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Location: Tonnastadir in Ledecestrescire (Suggested Power 20). You need 15 Clothing, 15 Texts, and 20 Delicacies. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about Utbech Ingot Location | Assassin's Creed Valhalla with us! Defeat this witch to claim her dagger (a quest item) and Thor's Gauntlets. Go through the Secret Entrance, down the stairs and through the water. Just be mindful of taking too many blows to the head. You'll find a locked door that requires a key. Go SW and shoot the wooden floor. Location: Suthsexe - Caves below the Cistern Tower (Highpoint). Flying Paper 2. Many players want to learn more about AC Valhalla Anderitum Hideout. You can find all this by using our interactive map as well! It's found about midway through the game. To shoot the lock off the door, you'll need to go above ground and into a tent that's directly above the chest. This chest is inside of a cave surrounded by lava and giant raven enemies. You come here during the World Event, Skal to Your Wealth. Go SW from Gear icon and a broken down building with a breakable floor. Location: In a cave near Besuncen Tor in Grantebridgescire (Suggested Power 20). The Mentor of Alamut Armor set enhances Eivor's stealth capabilities. Nickel. The game provides the player with entry to ancient Norse World where the players play the role of a Viking named Eivor. Look for either an underground passage or a hanging net of rubble. 2020 Ubisoft Entertainment. Once every single one of them is dead, return to The Hidden Ones' Bureau in your settlement and turn in all of the medallions. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment Hogwarts Legacy: All Field Guide Pages Locations, The Response to Rocksteady's Suicide Squad Has Been Abysmal, PS Plus Essential Games for March 2023 Confirmed, PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot, New PS5, PS4 Games This Week (27th February to 5th March), PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades. Location: Suthsexe - Kingley Hideout (Restricted Area). To get to it you have to destroy all the obstacles that stand in your way. You should find a breakable wooden floor in the centre of the graveyard. The Mentor's Cloak is located in a restricted location, and it is impossible to retrieve this and go unnoticed. A nearby elite enemy will have the key needed to unlock it. This is a heavily guarded location, but you'll need to find time to angle an arrow shot through a window opposite the barred door in order to get inside the room with the chest. This is a guide to the location of ingots in Anderitum Hideout of the Suthsexe region in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). You can find foreign supplies during River Raids, inside of treasure chests. Inside one of the houses, smash the jars to reveal a wall you can crawl under. Drop down this hole and assassinate the enemy at the bottom. Shoot the crate and enter through the window. Slide down the ladder and then destroy any obstacles that prevent you from descending further. A score of over 1400 nets you 40 Yule Tokens. ArtStation - Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Anderitum Hideout Location: Halstead Outpost in Essexe (Suggested Power 160). Still worth considering for sure. The chest is inside. Armor plays a major role in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
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