C. Wisdom, Lieutenant Colonel Authur Dorman. These leapfrogged forward as firebases were established. . Dave was a certified welder before induction into the Army. Edelstein, Lieutenant Colonel John Phu Tai 10 Mar 1970. In May 2015, Office of History staff continued the project; in August 2018, an Office of History contractor converted the 300 remaining slides to digital files. Dave Flinn found an exact duplicate of his baby a Vietnam-era D7E Caterpillar dozer at Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri, during the 2017 MVPA Route 66 Convoy. The unit entered World War I on 10 July 1918, with its participation in the Saint-Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns. R. Ploger, Brigadier General Charles The equipment was salvaged. We were stationed in Germany in 1975 through 1978. The company used both mechanical clearance equipment and modern mine detectors to clear hundreds of thousands of square meters of land mines and other explosive hazards. Unfortunately, not all of the crew made it out alive. Twenty years later, World War II erupted, and on 14 July 1941, the 37th Engineer Regiment was reactivated at Camp Bowie, Texas. Do you have 27TH ENGINEER BATALLION IN PHU BAI VIETNAM Reunion information you'd like to share, "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. 15 RESULTS. Dave could not remember the origins or nomenclature of the rock truck. Bradley, Major General John A. On 20 September 1921, the unit was organized and activated as an ordnance company at Fort Bliss, Texas. The battalion remained in Florida as part of Task Force All-American until 26 September 1992. All rights reserved. I was unaware of this grouop. They don't wear shirts because it's murderously hot under the flak jackets they must wear for protection against exploding mines and rocket propelled grenades (RPG?s). D. Engle, 1st Engineer Battalion (1st Change View. u.s. army special troops battalion, 2nd brigade combat team, 1st armored division unit crest (dui) $11.99. By removing the dense cover, they were denying its use to the Communist. A. Reactivation at Fort Bragg. They have participated in many actions and projects in Iraq and Afghanistan since. It did occasionally rain hard enough that in the daytime, you could hold your hand out at arms length and not see it for several minutes. "They come from the jungle and you never see Charlie," said Specialist Richard Wentworth, a plow mechanic. On the affirmative, the CO promptly assigned him operate Caterpillar D7s. Paving the Way for America's Fighting Forces - HistoryNet Cutting began June 4. History: 1966-67 | 228th Cuban engineers blew craters in Grenada's airport runways. The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 27th Engineer Combat Battalion on 19 March 1951. But after several hours of relaxation, it's back to work. They were among the first to arrive in Cambodia, and with five plows they completed a company-size task. F. Grum, Lieutenant Colonel Albert They found a bunker complex but couldn't get in because of heavy enemy contact, so the Rome plows were requested. Several incidences stick out in Daves memory related to travel on the road. V. Parish, Jr. Lieutenant Colonel William For whatever reason, some of the tankers were unhappy with the location of their M2 50 cal. Cold War: 1950-1966. Shield: Gules, a rock Argent within a garland of oak leaves and acorns Proper within a bordure of the second. 20th Engineer Brigade 4th Combat Engineer Battalion 4th Dental Battalion 4th Engineer Battalion 4th Force Reconnaissance Company 4th Force Service Regiment . Our expert research specialists are on site at U.S. archival research facilities which hold the operational records of your veteran's military unit or vessel and can assist you . This means sharpening the blades, changing the oil and cleaning the machines daily. Combat Action Badge For Vietnam Vets - Second Infantry Regiment Vietnam War '67 - '68 Photo Gallery by Dave Berry at pbase.com Don Tegtmeier was in the 101st Airborne as a loader on a 105 mm gun. The 36th Engineer Battalion was activated 1 July 1966 at Fort Irwin, California and deployed to Vietnam in 1967. 39th Engineer Battalion (combat) 26 November 1966 to 10 May 1967 Company . Lieutenant Colonel Clyde Cleared land mines and other unexplored ordinance on and around, This page was last edited on 23 July 2022, at 23:43. 27Th Combat Engineer Battalion Vietnam T-Shirts - CafePress Twenty years later, World War II erupted, and on 14 July 1941, the 37th Engineer Regiment was reactivated at Camp Bowie, Texas. B. A. Ghormley, Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Lieutenant Colonel Richard Allis Chalmers 645M scoop loaders assisted in emplacement of drainage features, culvert pipes, and in digging in bunkers and defensive positions. Bn from 30 Jan 1968 to 25 Jul 1968. Are you looking for someone who is or was in 27TH ENGINEER BATALLION IN PHU BAI VIETNAM? Sources: Red Thunder, Tropic Lighting, The World of a Combat Division in Vietnam by Eric Bergerud Vietnam 1965-1970, The 25th Infantry Division published by Turner Publications. Whether you want a sarcastic t-shirt or a geeky t-shirt to embrace your inner nerd, CafePress has the tee you're looking for. . Division History - 25th Infantry Division Association C. Ogilvie, Lieutenant Colonel Edward The 588th was placed under the operational control of the 25th . W. Atwell, Lieutenant Colonel Edward Bunkers would fill with water. On occasions we made "Thunder runs" on highway 13 to clear the road. Not all helicopter crashes were shot-downs. Operations into the A Shau Valley, 1968-69 - 591st Engineer Company The teams receive rations and security from the tactical units they support. After the termination of hostilities, the unit was demobilized. The 209th disembarked at Bombay, India on 23 October 1943, and immediately set to work on the Ledo Road. Lieutenant Colonel Morris 116th Combat Engineer Battalion remembering Vietnam with 50 year D. Peixotto, Lieutenant Colonel John These usually had a 4-foot wall of sandbags around the outside wall, frequently interspersed with 55-gallon drums full of dirt. A. Anderson, Lieutenant Colonel Beaufort Brigadier General Curtis [3], Among other things, the Construction Platoon of HHC 27th ENG (C)(A) has built the following: We were based in An Loc, near Loc Ninh which was in the Parrots Beak, another jumping off point for the Cambodian incursion. IN VIETNAM, 1965-1970, Assumption or Duration of lowercase, numbers, special characters. D. Snoke, Lieutenant Colonel Allen Lieutenant Colonel Harry L. Kelly, 17 January 4966-23 December Gray, Jr. The 60th Land Clearing Company, in tactical support of C Company, 1st Squadron, 11th ACR was then sent south of Snoul in the Fish Hook region. 65th Engineer (Combat) Battalion - 25th Infantry Division - US Army Veteran C. Young, After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. [220] SENIOR ENGINEER COMMANDERS IN VIETNAM, 1965-1970-Continued [221] SENIOR ENGINEER COMMANDERS IN VIETNAM, 1965-1970-Continued [222] SENIOR ENGINEER COMMANDERS IN VIETNAM, 1965-1970-Continued [223] You can now save a custom design or favorite a product. Lieutenant Colonel Howard . Carrasco, Lieutenant Colonel Maximiano Use promo code FREESHIP at checkout. The Engineer Liaison Officers made twenty-two trips around Vietnam and to other Far East locations between 1966 and 1972 and compiled over 6000 slides and captions. Lieutenant Colonel James He was using a red-lensed flashlight and his 1917 Colt Service revolver to successfully pop a few. After 20 days in the cache laden Fish Hook region, military officials estimated that only 30 percent of the sanctuary areas had been uncovered. We'll keep you posted! Again S-3 requested the plows and we went in and secured the area." A. Selleck, Jr. 26 September 1967-29 August It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. 299th - Messages1965_1971 Vietnam Lieutenant Colonel Frederick CORPS OF ENGINEERS UNITS - CBI History L. Ackerson, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph I really hope some other people can find this service and get in touch with people like I did. Renovated several offices in their own company. Each slide is linked to its detailed explanatory caption and has also been provided keywords, subject headings, and geographic locations, when known, thus providing users several ways to search the images on the Digital Library. 45th Engineer Group Jun 1966 - Jan 1972. I arrived in July of 1970, and as I recall, we had pulled out of Cambodia shortly before. The diagonal cant and the guide bar cause the trees and brush that are cut to fall off to the right of the dozer. In August 1965, the Battalion arrived at the port of Qui Nhon to become the first US combat engineer battalion in Vietnam.The 70th Engineers' mission upon arrival was to prepare for Operation Highland, the deployment of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) to positions around An Khe. Note the M35 cargo truck in background. Not until the men head back to their night defensive position (NDP) do they feel the pressure ease off. Thanks. 1967, Lieutenant Colonel John A very few images depict scenery and local citizens. February 18, 1968 - September 10, 1968. F. Fraser, 20 September 1967-28 February The Vietnam Trip Briefing slide collection provides a valuable historical visual record of army, especially army engineer, activity during the Vietnam years. (P), Brigadier General Henry It blew him off, throwing him into the ditch. W. Wilkinson, Lieutenant Colonel Joe H. In 1966 the 1/27th Arty was activated as a 155mm self-propelled howitzer battalion at Fort Sill. A crazy coincidence occurred one evening. In April of 1968 the 591st and the 27th Eng. On October 4, BLT 2/26 was just south of the DMZ and six miles north of a place called "The Rockpile" which was on Route 9. The history of the 27th Engineer Battalion (COMBAT) (AIRBORNE) began on 16 January 1918 at Fort Meyer, VA, as the second battalion of the 37th Engineer Regiment. J. Fiala, Lieutenant Colonel William A rock drill and an American Hoist Model 2380 20-ton Rough Terrain Crane lifting a bucket or a pile driver were occasionally used to clear rock formations and stabilize stream crossings. The battalion was again deployed to Afghanistan in December 2009 where it was on route clearance duty, responsible for clearing roadside bombs and other improvised explosive devices that were planted by Taliban insurgents. C. Rhodes. The unit entered World War I on 10 July 1918, with its participation in the Saint-Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns. R. Peterson, Lieutenant Colonel Robert N. Hutchison. They took a wild ride down the mountain before crashing into the river below. B. Cooper, 921st Engineer Group (never Elements of the 101st Airborne made clearing sweeps in the mountains and valleys along the route. After the termination of hostilities, the unit was demobilized. Rifle fire, machine gun bullets, and an M79 grenade followed that VC for a hundred yards to no effect. The high quality images depict the wide variety of activities and structures built by army engineers in Southeast Asia, from ports and airfields to barracks and latrines, from roads and bridges to offices and storage depots, from petroleum facilities to hospitals, cantonments to quarries. From my "perch",weather satellite read out at Tan Son Nhut,I observed the clouds in Cambodia. One platoon of the 591st was had a portable rock crusher assigned for quarry/crushing operations. These major effort-type of operations required a huge amount of support and supplies. This article was published in a magazine titled "The Hurricane" dated September 1970 Vol 35, a publication of II Field Force Vietnam, written by: SP-4 Dave Massey. Lieutenant Colonel Emmett H. Gray, Lieutenant Colonel John Built FSC Company Area After Battalion Transformation. Usually, they would establish a helicopter LZ (landing zone), as well. Ernest LaFountain Collection | Library of Congress R. Manning, Lieutenant Colonel John Theyre certainly not of professional quality, but do tell the story from the point of view of a self-described equipment operator. One of Daves regrets was that most of the photos he took were lost a few days before his DEROS (Date Expected to Return from Over Seas) as a result of a rocket destroying his bunker (he was on the perimeter berm), so the photo story is somewhat incomplete. Division), Lieutenant Colonel Carroll Did not know of your dozers tho'. 27Th Combat Engineer Battalion Vietnam T-Shirts. The Office of History maintains copies of these slides and captions in its research collection. "On May 16, B Company, 199th Light Infantry Brigade was pinned down south of Fire Support Base (FSB) Myron. Brigade, 45th Eng. 66 machine shop truck with gull wing doors alongside temporary work area with troops working on an undefined project. I served in the US Army as a combat engineer in Vietnam from March 1967 to February 1968. M. Roper, Jr. Division), Lieutenant Colonel William He said we were like brothers and then all of a sudden, we lost all contact. I was supply sergeant, D Co., 39th Eng. L. Gardner, Lieutenant Colonel Fred They told farm and school stories and speculated on who else from their very small high school class might be in country.. You're set for email updates from CafePress. Ran mine sweeps north towards Phu Bai. They also built some airstrips way down in the delta where he encountered entertainer Martha Ray, to his great surprise. Extended a runway at a municipal airport in North Carolina. 5th Battalion 27th Artillery, OPCON to 1st Brigade (Seperate) Nov 65 - Jun 67 Troop A, 2/17th Cavalry (Airborne) (OPCON to Tiger Force 327th Infantry) (aka; 4th Provisional Rifle Company while assigned to 1st Bde Sep) July 65 - Feb 72 101st Support Battalion (Provisional) Departed 19 Dec 67 Support Battalion (Airborne) (Provisional)Jul 65 - Nov 67 C. Gibson. Capt. L. Lammie, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Lined Eisenhower Jacket. 27th Engineer Battalion (United States) - Military Wiki Not everyone was able to exit the crashed bird. "We had been in Fish Hook about 10 days," Bulceco said. I was at Quang Tri and all of the combat troops were gone. The battalion sustained 71 Killed in action and 179 wounded in action during the 70 day long battle. I. Aguilar, Lieutenant Colonel Max B. Even the snakes would try to find some high ground. Shrapnel was landing everywhere in the ops building and around it. Every Vietnam veteran had more than enough on the job training filling sandbags. A. Howard, Jr. Inscription. The 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry was transferred to the 3rd Brigade as its third battalion and the 2nd Battalion, 9th Artillery was attached as the direct support artillery battalion as well as Troop C, 3/4th Cavalry as the brigade's reconnaissance element. The history of the 27th Engineer Battalion (COMBAT) (AIRBORNE) began on 16 January 1918 at Fort Meyer, VA, as the second battalion of the 37th Engineer Regiment. 27th Engineer Battalion 8 September 2016 29th Engineer Battalion 28 October 2014 31st Engineer Battalion 1 October 2007 35th Engineer Battalion 18 April 2018 37th Engineer. The Battalion ran across a samll, but well-entrenched enemy force; they called in the 16-inch firepower of the battleship USS New Jersey and wiped out the enemy force. As of October 1999, they had the last and only Airborne well-driller detachment/platoon left in the United States Army. The unit entered World War I on the 10 July 1918, which its participation in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne campaigns. M51 series dump trucks hauled aggregate and dirt. CafePress is committed to creating an inclusive experience for people with disabilities. 1968, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph About | 70th Engr Btn Vietnam The 209th disembarked at Bombay, India on 23 October 1943, and immediately set to work on the Ledo Road. Guth, Lieutenant Colonel James F. Boylan. mounts. J. Hatch. Convoys of M35 and M54 cargo trucks, M131 fuel tankers and M127 semi-trailers were constantly on the road hauling everything from rations and spare parts to barb wire, ammo, and explosives. L. Heimerl, Lieutenant Colonel Donald 27th Engineer Battalion (United States) - Wikipedia Soldiers of the battalion have received numerous decorations in both theaters to include Rashe Hall - Silver Star (Afghanistan) and Scott Smullen - Soldier's Medal (Afghanistan) as well as individual companies receiving unit citations. R. McDonald, Lieutenant Colonel Richard After threats were made, Dave ended all future rat eradication by gunfire inside of inhabited bunkers. Flanigan, Lieutenant Colonel Robert In the excitement, some of us didnt take very good cover. But the plow operators of a land clearing company are experts and take pride in their job. Cuban engineers blew craters in Grenada's airport runways. A platoon of the 60th, led by Lt. Parker, was called in to open roads to the cache sites The City and Rock Island East. I am Robert Frey, of Phila, PA. Typically, bunkers were completely underground. Roper, Colonel John H. Elder, Jr. I started taking these pictures on October 6, 1967. Components of the battalion participated in operation "Bright Star 82" deploying to the port city of Berbera, Somalia, which is located on the central North coast of Somalia on the Gulf of Aden. ", Another fear the operators must contend with is RPG?s. Deliver vital engineering solutions, in collaboration with our partners, to secure our Nation, energize our economy, and reduce disaster risk. Division). We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. Twenty years later, I'm the first to ever contact him. L. Anderson, Jr. Crest: On a wreath of the colors Argent and Gules a mythological chinthe (Burmese lion) sejant of the first gorged with a mural crown Azure surmounting a grove of bamboo Vert the top arched above the chinthe and the base between four billets, two and two, Or each charged with three barrulets of the second. 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry (Mechanized) 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry [] W. Shulz, Lieutenant Colonel Norman What a conversation we had. The dozers would push earthen berms around the perimeter of the base. Regardless, Dave got more than just a little time on the welder and twisting wrenches to make repairs. J. Corley, Lieutenant Colonel William After the men return to the NDP, they can look forward to hot chow, mail and cold beer. Veteran L. Prickett, "Dear VetFriends, Thanks so much for your help! Office of History, Mar. The battalion closed for staging in the Bien Hoa - Long Binh area on 1 October 1966. . World War Ion 10 July 1918, with its participation in the Saint-Mihieland After the termination of hostilities, the unit was demobilized. Sheridan, Illinois (late 1952). Jerry Meyers, Fort Campbell, Ky. to Vietnam pictures 67-68, Vietnam 70-71, Pics by Darrell Hogan, Operations into the A Shau Valley, 1968-69. Command Chronologies: Vietnam War | National Archives According to Major Thomas J. Kerver, assistant G-3, Plans, II Field Force, there was only speculation as to what the results of the operation would be, but in his own words, "We didn't know what to expect, but we knew it would be something big." The VC were probing the platoons position.

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