The more fully we know the doctrine of Christ and the apostles, the more closely we shall cleave to it; the reason why many sit loose to it is because they do not fully know it. We must remember that the scripture of which Paul is writing is the Old Testament; as yet the New Testament had not come into being. So if you want God to use your life, then thoroughly equip yourself in the Word of God, the study, the understanding.That's why we're here tonight. Then the apostle puts before them a blessed model of that which he had before his own soul. When children are disobedient to their parents, and break through the obligations which they lie under to them both in duty and gratitude, and frequently in interest, having their dependence upon them and their expectation from them, they make the times perilous; for what wickedness will those stick at who will be abusive to their own parents and When Job was talking to his friends and they were talking to him about the future, and Job said, Oh, I wish I were dead. I reply, it is not always in one way that Satan persecutes the servants of Christ. "Reprobate concerning the faith.". In the light of this warning from the Saviour, no Christian should be surprised at persecution. Pride always begets insult. His mind was caught; he took it back. They're profitable. In 2 Timothy 3:9 he meant that the teaching of evil does not necessarily become more extensive and capture a wider audience as evil becomes worse. What Paul is thinking of here is more than faithlessness in friendship--although that in all truth is wounding enough--he is thinking of those who to pay back an old score would inform against the Christians to the Roman government. THE VALUE OF SCRIPTURE ( 2 Timothy 3:14-17 ). So I listened to that voice, and heard the truth, and found my Saviour.". In between there was The Day of the Lord, a day when God would personally intervene and shatter the world in order to remake it. There is that in the scripture which suits every case. You're a pilgrim. It should be considered as one of the proper qualifications for membership in the church, to be willing to bear persecution, and to resolve not to shrink from any duty in order to avoid it. It describes the man who is swept on by passion and impulse to such an extent that he is totally unable to think sensibly. This again has stumbled the minds of men. Theophylact called this kind of pride akropolis (compare G206 and G4172) kakon ( G2556) , the citadel of evils. It is the ability to accept the folly, the perversity, the blindness, the ingratitude of men and still to remain gracious, and still to toil on. Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Second Timothy chapter three? The woman protests that she has never done so and cannot do so. The man who is mastered by his lower passions will gratify them in the most shameless way, as the streets of any great city will show when the night is late. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." If Timothy would adhere to the truth as he had been taught it, this would arm him against the snares and insinuations of seducers. "The cloke," then says he, "that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books," not only the clothing, but even that which he is to read, "especially the parchments;" what he was going to write on, probably. Look at the rapid deterioration of our society. Those who deceive others do but deceive themselves; those who draw others into error run themselves into more and more mistakes, and they will find it so at last, to their cost. It was the common lot of all who endeavored to serve their Redeemer faithfully; and Timothy himself, therefore, must not hope to escape from it. McLean, Virginia: MacDonald Publishing Company, n.d. Wuest, Kenneth S. Wuests Word Studies From the Greek New Testament. Now these seem to many very difficult indeed to combine. Christianity was cradled in Judaism and very naturally thought largely in Jewish terms and pictures. The doctrine of the necessity of persecution was no new thing to Paul. From , before, and , to deliver up.Those who deliver up to an enemy the person who has put his life in their hands; such as the Scots of 1648, who delivered up into the hands of his enemies their unfortunate countryman and king, Charles the First; a stain which no lapse of ages can wipe out. They choose to lay, again and again, the early foundations of their Christian faith i.e. (1) that they who make a profession of religion, should come prepared to be persecuted. turned unto fables. And as we go down the list, it's like reading the afternoon newspaper. (This book is used for definition of Greek words. Men will be thankless (acharistos, G884) . Or it can mean that a man is so dishonourable that he breaks the terms of the agreement he has made. In Greek writings these two words often went together; and they are both picturesque. It is a duty in the present state of confusion to use scriptural means; and here we have our warrant, as in the epistles we find more. Finally, we have his assertion of the blessed Lord's care, and his confidence in Him that He would preserve him from all evil to His heavenly kingdom; closing this solemn and touching epistle (it would seem the last words he wrote) with salutations to various saints. Again and again Scripture has opened for men and women the way to God. Indeed it may be well to remark here, that we never read of Timothy appointing bishops or elders. They will be inflated with a sense of their own importance. Second, there are the qualities of the apostle. Observe, Timothy must continue in the things which he had learned and had been assured of. It is in terms of these last days that Paul is thinking in this passage. Our God is much too small. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come ( 2 Timothy 3:1 ). Moreover, as soon as zeal for God is manifested by a believer, it kindles the rage of all ungodly men; and, although they have not a drawn sword, yet they vomit out their venom, either by murmuring, or by slander, or by raising a disturbance, or by other methods. 2 Timothy 3:12, NASB: Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. We don't have the time to devote to it this evening but I would suggest that you get a good Greek lexicon and do a word study on these particular Greek words that Paul uses to describe the attitudes and the actions of people in the last days. (ii) The Scriptures are of use in teaching. Traitors . And so there comes that point where they will proceed no further: "their folly becomes manifest to all men", as Jannes and Jambres also was. We're going to drown in our own corruption. Here he mentions his persecutions and afflictions at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, besides what he suffered elsewhere. Questions are before him more serious than a maintenance of order. The final condemnation of these people is that they retain the outward form of religion but deny its power. All you can say is that they are "without natural affection".God has put in our heart a certain natural love as a parent for a child. Men will be inflated with conceit (tetuphomenos, G5187) . The cause of the perilous times are found in the things that people will be doing, and at the top of the list. But it is asked, Must all men be martyrs? It is still possible for a teacher to gain an undue and unhealthy influence over others, especially when they are impressionable. ", The Bible tells about God giving people over to reprobate minds, men who resist God and the truth of God. "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.". The insult which comes from anger is bad but it is forgivable, for it is launched in the heat of the moment; but the cold insult which comes from arrogant pride is an ugly and an unforgivable thing. 2 Timothy 3 Commentary; 2 Timothy 4 Commentary; HENRY ALFORD 2 TIMOTHY COMMENTARY The Greek Testament. At the same time there is the carrying on his full notice of everything found here below that would be a source of comfort to one who anticipated the ruin of Christendom. The disorder might be so great that we might make mistakes in our anxiety; but "The Lord knoweth them that are his." The best way to overcome and to banish the false is to live in such a way that the loveliness and the graciousness of the truth is plain for all to see. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God.". In the first part of this chapter 2 Timothy 3:1-8, Paul reminds Timothy of the great apostasy which was to be expected in the church, and states some of the characteristics of it. And a hundred and fifty men can board it and they can submerge and go under the North Pole under the arctic ice. "Perilous times shall come." Far more harm is done from want of thought than almost anything else. At first these magicians were able to match the wonders which Moses and Aaron did, but in the end they were defeated and discredited. What am I to believe about sin? What a blessing. That is, it is not enough that I should walk with the Lord individually, but I must clear myself of association with that which is contrary to His name. "Blessed is he who will come in the name of the Lord" ( Psalms 118:26 ). Things were so bad that Tacitus could say: "He who had no foe was betrayed by his friend." Next he comes to a more personal need. " Rejoice ( present imperative) and be glad ( present imperative ), for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. If he does not hide the sorrowful view of an old fellow-labourer's cooling in zeal, with all its dangers, the consolation is also before Timothy both of those that go on in faithful labour, and of one at least restored. Without natural affection ( 2 Timothy 3:3 ). In 2 Timothy 3:9, he says that that apostasy would not always continue; but would be at some time arrested, and so arrested as to show to all men the . 2. And they shall be dispersed among the Gentiles. This time he was a Christian minister, and it was to the reading of the books that he attributed his change. 2 Timothy 3:12, CSB: In fact, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. That the man of God may be perfect ( 2 Timothy 3:17 ). 2 Timothy 3:12 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous," the psalmist writes (Psalm 34:19).Peter supplies a partial answer to this in I Peter 4:12: "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you, as does Paul's statement in II Timothy 3:12: "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer . So God's word, scripture given for inspiration, by the inspiration of God and is profitable.Of course, this morning we pointed out that the inspiration of the Bible is proved by internal evidences, such as its total accuracy with known facts of science, when it happened to cover scientific subjects.
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