Harris Nielson: The school is in a panic. advises of reports of two suspects with UZIs, pipe bombs and shotguns. We have two dead suspects in there. On the C-SPAN Networks: Patty Nielson is a Teacher for the Columbine High School with two videos in the C-SPAN Video Library; the first appearance was a 2000 Rally.Most appearances . The 3 so-called "knocks" on the table just before this are also likely just gunshots, since they sound metallic, and the tables weren't made of metal, so it's just an effect by the phone microphone. and Chatfield Avenues. later, Harris begins shooting again at the deputy. What's also worse, is sometimes the linked lines, because the calls come in back to back, their seems to cause an echo on the lines, and sometimes you can also hear those calls, and the customers, softly talking as well. Officer to teacher: We dont have anybody in custody. I'm doing better concentrating. On the As she welcomes an NBC News crew into her home, she jokes about how the place has been turned upside down by the guys refinishing the floors. Walker, on the south side of the school, reports an explosion that blows out Five years ago,Patti Nielson's life was turned upside down by a pair of violent teenagers whose actions Nielson and the rest of this Colorado community are still struggling to comprehend. Graves, and Lance Kirklin, Klebold One girl, facedown, was warm. "We couldn't leave that little girl there,'' DiManna said. The deputy rolled out of his patrol car. Copyright 1999 The Denver Post. Dispatch I then needed to establish a way to compare these calls that isn't by timestamps alone. I dont think Im going out there.. and the shooters enter the library. After being grazed by a bullet in the. ''. I've got the kids on the floor. reports a possible shooter on the football field behind the shed. And Im in the library. At around four minutes and twenty seconds into the call, a large explosion erupts from Nielson's end of the line. Deputy determined the two planned to shoot any surviving students able to escape from videotape. 2. local news and culture, Alan Prendergast Student One Some say Eric was the quiet one, Athena says Dylan did much less speaking. This page has been accessed 20,739 times. Pierce Street to the south. Time and again, they were savage enough to spray a classmate with bullets, hear the moans of pain, and then silence the cries with a final gunshot at point-blank range. "Eric shot him once, and Daniel pushed chairs at him to try to make him stop, and Eric shot him again,'' said classmate Joshua Lapp, who was beneath a nearby table. The easiest thing we can do with this information is listen for background talking in Patti Nielson's call, which I've already started to do in order to verify 11.23.11 was placed properly. Focusing was a challenge. Deputies GO! Klebold and Harris then pull their Now the school was in full panic. That's the reason Josh, 9, Elise, 6, and Mallory, 3, have had their mom at home most of this school year - not because she has fallen apart. A teacher, Theresa Miller, spent hours on the phone with 911 to deliver updates on Sanders' condition. Theyve got the rooms locked up. "Wait, there's one more thing,'' he told Harris. Dispatcher: O.K. the ballfields. windows near the cafeteria. The families of the deceased were given an opportunity to listen to the recording; some of them declined. 9:19AM. Deputy Teacher: There are about twenty to thirty students and faculty members there. the librarys east area and enter the center section, reloading their weapons This is at 4:52 of Patti Nielson's call, and happens at 0:03 in 11.30.04. At 4:53, you can hear someone saying "Alright", and this is the operator of 11.29.25, and it's at 0:49. Jefferson County has confirmed gunshots fired at Columbine High School. Blending Nielson: Smoke is coming in from out there and Im a little afraid. - Columbine archive One witness says Dylan says pigs are here, another says Eric said that. April 20, 2016 Dave Sanders, still on the second level, turns into the library hallway toward advises that the suspects are possibly wearing body armor. As she tells the operator her name, Harris and Klebold enter the library and begin to execute their classmates. safe - Create a memorial page. reports several shots fired at Columbine High School. Harris Thank you. "I'm crouched down. Always tripped me out. ''. County Sheriffs Offices are en route. But the call, on recording, picked up all the static noise of the center, other calls being taken, hearing myself asking somebody to close their line to take their breaks. Nielson: O.K (shouting) I want every student in this library on the floor and you better stay on the floor! Just before he reached the cafeteria door, a gunman aimed at the fleeing boy's back and dropped him with a 9mm bullet along the spine. Dan O'Shea, passed by the emergency exit that at least 30 survivors earlier had used to flee the library. Teacher on phone, overheard talking to students: Get down.. Stay down. My situation was unique among the teachers, and I think some people were afraid they'd say the wrong thing. The gunmen spotted Mark Kintgen, slowed by cerebral palsy, and shot one 9mm bullet into his head and another into his neck. onset, both suspects are seen lighting and throwing explosive, Klebold fire a semi-automatic weapon east towards, Klebold and Harris walking east down the north The explosion is from a pipe bomb. - How to share your thoughts Columbine High School. Littleton During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. students run out of the cafeteria through a side door. Kids are screaming . The two killers reached the middle of the library. schools cafeteria. There are two other useful files that aren't necessary: Here is a link to my Audacity file if you'd like to listen to them yourself, and here is a link to the audio that I've put side-by-side after the shooters enter the library, with Nielson's call on the right side, and the background audio on the left side. Transcript: Columbine 911 Tapes - ABC News two-hour 911 phone call (from 11:29 a.m. to 1:24 p.m.) from a school secretary Sgt. - Victim funds library toward the west windows, killing one student on the way, before they. radio traffic they are hearing and personnel are quick to arrive at the scene. Could it have been averted?Five years later, nobody knows exactly why Harris and Klebold went on that murderous rampage. announces that possible hand-grenades have been detonated at the school. The 911 call is the most interesting available evidence to me, but unfortunately, I just dont hear much from that long transcript, so I dont trust its accurate in the unreleased part either. Outside the school's west exit, where Rachel Scott lay dead and Richard Castaldo was crippled, Eric Harris spotted Jefferson County sheriff's Deputy Neil Gardner, the school resource officer, in the Columbine parking lot. O.K.? their cars, they have a clear view of the cafeteria area. Nielson: Hes outside of this hall Hes in the hall There are alarms and things going off, theres smoke, my God, smoke is like coming Ive got the kids under the tables here, I dont know what is happening in the rest of the building. DETAILS: On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed twelve students and one teacher at Columbine High School Littleton, Colorado. Harris, radios dispatch with a Code 33.. at Columbine High School. While O'Shea fired into the doorway, DiManna and Phelan pulled Castaldo to safety. But mostly there was a resetting of priorities, she says. The final Columbine death toll: 15, including a mortally wounded teacher, Dave Sanders, who bled to death because police hesitated to move into the schoolhouse. . I pray they are getting help." Smoker I question its validity for several reasons. But Steepleton knew Klebold from time around school. area, is dispatched to the scene of the fire and explosion on Wadsworth These calls i have never heard and bravo to you for taking the time to audibly illustrate it for us. 16 She got over the fear of sending her own children to school. Dispatcher: We have paramedics, we have fire and we have police en route. it ends before steven curnow even got shot. She finished out last year and she taught for the first two months of this school year before taking leave. The first shot slammed Rohrbough through the back. When he came to, he found the fuse of a palm-sized bomb sizzling beneath his table. It landed about three feet in front of me,'' O'Shea said. When the gunmen leave, survivors are heard fleeing. We sent SWAT in with some paramedics and everybody thats inside the school is confirmed D.O.A. Im not ready to reach a conclusion today that there was a cover-up, Salazar said. County Commissioner and Board Chairman Patricia Holloway. I think I read that she escaped to a closet or something, but in her 60 Minutes interview she only mentions hiding in the librarian desk. To better understand how such evil could take root in Jefferson County, The Denver Post interviewed dozens of students, teachers, investigators and parents to reconstruct the way two youths, cloaked in black trench coats, killed 13 and wounded 20 before fatally shooting themselves in the head. One In a stairway leading up to the school library, Sanders was hit once, then again, by gun blasts. the Jefferson County SWAT team and the Sheriffs Office command staff to be But because I'm so trained to drain out the background noise, I could never get a good time line to see if I could debunk or prove this theory. The gunmen walk through the Paul Magor, a Jefferson County Sheriffs deputy patrolling the south Jeffco The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. There were flashbacks. countys dispatch center goes into an emergency command system as the incoming Dispatch Search the history of over 797 billion On the library floor around Harris and Klebold, 10 teenagers - Cassie Bernall, Steven Curnow, Corey DePooter, Kelly Fleming, Matt Kechter, Daniel Mauser, Isaiah Shoels, Lauren Townsend, John Tomlin and Kyle Velasquez - lay dead. [3] The duo placed two homemade propane tank bombs inside of the school's cafeteria in an attempt to create mass casualties. up on the roof.. A shard of bomb shrapnel flew into DiManna's cheek. I'm getting ready to pick her up. that additional assistance is coming from other agencies. IE 11 is not supported. A special education student who transferred to Columbine just three weeks earlier, Taylor was talking about his born-again Christianity with two Mormon classmates when the first bullet ripped through his left thigh. Teacher: O.K. - Columbine main page Get down!. To start, I figured out that the released version of Patti Nielson's 911 call is 5:01 seconds, and the versions that have cleared-up audio are slowed down by around 5%. Tributo a Eric Harris y Dylan Klebold. At about 11:19 a.m. a witness Apparently a faculty member inside the school talking to police, describing the situation facing some of the students who are hiding and speaking to the students at the same time. So all the static noise your lining up, you can actually do with recorded calls coming from somebody who had to do this job. Dispatch north main hallway. "Identify yourself!''. Sgt. students in that area with him. "When the year 2000 hit, it wasn't like a new year for me," she said. Spotting Rachel Scott and Richard Castaldo sprawled on the ground, nine SWAT officers piled into a fire truck and Dodge Dakota to mount a rescue. Aiming his handgun at Harris, Gardner fired four or five times from 60 yards away, but missed. 1982 black BMW. Nielson is student Brian Anderson. The Boom. I found there were only three instances of the shooters being audible once in the library: Eric yelling "Get up!" One of the shooters yelling something like, "Hey!" She sounded like a tape recorder stuck in fast-forward. Theyre not Band-Aids, but they have cloth to try to control the bleeding. enforcement officers on the east side of the school report noises and shots "I haven't been dreading the anniversary. Shots in the building. paged. "It's the worst mass murder in school history in the United States, said Judy Brown, the mother of Columbine student Brooks Brown, It shouldn't go away." Those students are trying to save the life of teacher Dave Sanders. Klebold Creepy huh?). explosion in a field on the east side of Wadsworth Boulevard between Ken Caryl Many in with 400 other backpacks and bags scattered throughout the cafeteria, the Trapped students cowered beneath library tables, unable to hide but unsure of anything else they could do. Boom. ", which happens at the start of 11.30.04. Then they spotted Nielson scrunched under the librarian's desk. Walcher Also, why are some of the written records of the prior warnings now missing? Beneath one table, Craig Scott huddled with two schoolmates, Isaiah Shoels and Matt Kechter. Two On the last day of his life, Eric Harris arrives alone at the student parking lot at Columbine High School and parks his 1986 gray Honda Civic in a space . 5/19/2022 8:38 PM. It was Klebold, wearing his Boston Red Sox cap. In Jefferson response to reports that one of the suspects may have left the building, several I thought it was probably a video production, she said, so I went out there to tell him to stop., It was then she realized it was real as one of the young gunmen turned around and fired in her direction. "I made the decision I wasn't going to be in therapy the rest of my life. An example is at 1:07 in Patti Nielson's call, there's a loud gunshot or explosion and Patti Nielson exclaims, "Oh, God." The deputy ducked back inside his marked Chevrolet Blazer. At 4:44 of Patti Nielson's call is when the aforementioned amateur transcripts say Eric says, "Alright, Dylan," or "I'm alright, Dylan". The 911 recording is currently in the hands of the Jefferson County Police Department. duffel bags conceal 20-pound propane bombs timed to explode at 11:17 a.m. chool I think that's the start of my new year.". Nielson: I cant believe hes not out of bullets. Seconds Dispatch Its merely a flesh wound! and the peekaboo thing and do you believe in God?. Teachers Too stunned to stand, Castaldo was slashed by gunfire, too. The other put his gun in his mouth. more pipe bombs are thrown into the cafeteria from the library hallway a floor . As Smoker fires three rounds at him and the gunman disappears Patti Nielson had said it more than once: "If I get through this year, I'm going to wonder how I did it." You had to have three people in the room listening to confirm what was heard, was said. news announces reports of two gunmen at Columbine High School. Walker. taken cover behind Taborskys patrol car. She was helping write a new art curriculum. At 4:41 in Patti Nielson's call is when many amateur transcripts (the one that inspired me to do this project was this one) say when Eric says "peek-a-boo". The two quickly became best friends, and Eubanks figured high school was going to be bearable after all. In actuality, a 911 call received from a student One of the calls I had to split because it didn't match up. In a room filled floor to ceiling with files on the tragedy, the Browns explained that they repeatedly contacted police and complained that Eric Harris had threatened their son. '', Klebold shrugged. All rights reserved. "There's a nigger over here!'' Denver Weather The kids who are running with the shotguns also have Molotov-type cocktail bombs. from the window. Deputy call reports that students are injured outside the school. Gardner yells Patricia (Patti) Nielson is working as a hall monitor when she hears a commotion What do you actually hear on the available bits of the 911 call? "He was conscious. partial detonation of a bomb and a subsequent fire. Ester reports that Denver Metro SWAT has arrived on the east side of the school. "You could hear most of them going over the top (of the Blazer),'' Gardner said. Dispatcher: Is there any way you can lock the doors? Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Oh God! SWAT team commander Manwaring arrives at Pierce and Leawood and advises dispatch There's a very distinct difference between how the two handled [the massacre] that day. Jefferson "And boom,'' Kirklin recalls. He appeared to be in shock. This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 04:07. Both killers moved on, leaving Scott unharmed. How Should RTD Deal With the Drug Problem on Trains? Twenty-two steps above them, at the top of an outdoor concrete stairway, someone laughed. Sudoku Nearby, Tim Kastle flushed with fear and dread - fear for his life, but dread because he knew one of the killers. However, it's another 911 operator, at 0:37 of 11.29.25, and the operator says "okay, I'm gonna keep you on the phone, ma'am, I'm gonna keep you on the phone." They laughed about it. What would you be able to actually say for SURE you can hear? The ground shook. "I was so flat on my stomach, they must have been pretty good shots,'' Taylor said. About 4 p.m., Denver paramedic Troy Laman was ushered into the library. Dispatch Patti Nielson speaks at a Capitol Hill news conference on gun control. Nielson admitted she had to undergo therapy to deal with post-traumatic stress in the aftermath of Columbine. While I don't yet know who said it, it's someone in the 911 call center, since it's also clearly heard at 0:10 in 11.29.25. the cafeteria after the bombs exploded. 911 transcript/s : r/Columbine - reddit Deputy 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. And that is definitely it. witnesses who entered the north main hallway from adjoining classrooms see Searle reports the man is still on the roof and has moved over to the north Anne Marie Hochhalter was eating lunch with two friends outside the cafeteria when a bullet pierced her chest and left her paralyzed. So he ducked into the cafeteria's faculty lounge. Patti Nielson 911 Call Columbine High w/ Eric Harris and - YouTube By Susan Besze Wallace As far as the peakaboo/mom thing, I think you are correct. 911 Calls from Columbine High School Klebold is running behind them, but comes to an abrupt halt - Contribute to The Healing Fund Patti Nielson 9/11 Call (Columbine HS Massacre) : Unknown : Free The deputy rolled out of his patrol car. student parking lot. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. one killer told a girl beneath a table. weekly ad specials from the denver post voices of columbine PATTI NIELSON Mother, Columbine teacher, library survivor By Susan Besze Wallace Denver Post Staff Writer Apr. Focusing was a challenge. Nielson has written to most of the families whose kids were killed. The Denver Post Online - Columbine - Tragedy and Recovery I timed all of the ones that are in Patti Nielson's call, and I compared them to the times between the rings on 7 other phone calls, and found that they matched up (nearly) perfectly. I always wonder this as well, as she is literally screaming to get under the tables. Jeffco Harris peeled off 15 more bullets at the deputy. Patti Nielson is a woman with an outwardly sunny disposition. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. They may be thinking the same thing. Teacher alerts all units that Deputy Gardner is under fire and the suspect just ran into There are also a few other things that corroborate this. And bullets ricocheted off hallway lockers. Then Harris aimed his 9mm carbine at the doorway window and fired. Still, Schnurr answered truthfully. students and faculty escape the school to the south, they report what they saw Eubanks was wounded with buckshot in his ankle and hand. Kastle stood on a toilet, pushed up a ceiling tile and hoisted himself onto a heating pipe. I laid her back down. They may be thinking the same thing. shooting a rifle. . Under the table, Shoels tried to back up. But I don't want to impose. Deputy Students arrive for classes at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. on Monday. call from a Columbine High School student reports a girl injured in the south Searle reports smoke coming from the building. The eyewitness accounts are full of terror and courage, heartbreak and luck. Ken minute. reports that one of the shooters might be Ned Harris and that he is Hall blacked out. pipe bomb explodes, several students run out of the south cafeteria doors toward the building. Vince DiManna and Lt. Pat Phelan inched toward the west doorway where Harris had traded gunfire with the sheriff's deputy. I hope I make sense and I worked there a year before I moved to a better paying job. Then gunshots and explosions rocked the commons, or cafeteria area, near where the killers had stashed a propane barbecue tank bomb, wired to a gasoline tank and surrounded with nails and BBs to maximize killing power. Thank you for doing and sharing all of this research!! Dispatch But some Columbine parents believe authorities ignored prior warning signsthat the massacre might have been prevented. "Then, April 20, I was hiding in a cupboard, and it changed from how am I doing all this to why am I doing all this. While the first five and half minutes of the call have been released to the public, the rest of the audio is "available" in the form of a transcript. When I needed to speak, there would be what we called the echo. INAUDIBLE. briefly enters the side entrance to the cafeteria, Harris The Columbine High School massacre had begun. An analysis of Patti Nielson's 911 call : r/Columbine - reddit The two gunmen, Harris and Klebold killed themselves in the library.
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